Page 4 of Ruthless Legacy

Chapter Two

The car drives past the blue and yellow sign saying welcome to Hawk Bay. I already hate this place. I hate that I have been dragged from my semi-okay okay life in Heathley to this godforsaken place by the coast. I bet it is full of posh dickheads who play polo and chess for fun. How fucking dull. This place looks as far removed from where I grew up as you could ever imagine. Kit snores peacefully beside me, looking like he hasn’t got a care in the world. I wish I could be as laid back as he is, just rolling with the punches.

As the car journeys further into that will be our new home, unease runs down my spine. Why did my dad run from this life of privilege? What made him so determined to leave it behind? Why did he lie to us about his past and where he grew up? Is this place really so terrible that he felt the need to keep it a secret?

As we wind through the main streets of the town, I notice a champagne bar and some cute expensive looking fashion boutiques. Jesus, this place reeks of affluence and wealth. The car eventually turns up a steep hill and the houses become grander and more opulent. They all have electric gates and long sloping driveways. It’s clear that this part of town is where the money is.

Almost at the top of the hill sits four grand looking mansions, sectioned off from the rest. Hayley stops in front of the gates that lead up to them. I jab my brother in the arm until he looks up, bewildered and confused.

“We’re here,” Hayley announces with a cheery smile before she leans out and presses the intercom for the gates.

I nudge my brother again. “We’ve arrived,” I hiss, and he immediately sits up in his seat and looks ahead as the car sweeps down the drive to where the large, imposing house sits. It has a large grand entranceway; huge stone pillars sit on either side of the doors. It reminds me of the mansion the Bingley’s lived in from the movie version of Pride and Prejudice. It looks like it has stood here for centuries, with its sturdy structure.

“Wow, it’s huge!” my brother says, his mouth wide open as he takes in the intimidating mansion style house.

“It’s a beast of a house, that’s for sure,” I reply with a frown. Why would anyone need a house this big?

Hayley’s smile widens. “See, I told you both. Your grandfather is a very wealthy man.”

As Hayley pulls up in front of two large doors, they open to reveal a petite, round woman who looks to be in her early sixties. She smiles warmly and looks excited at our arrival. She has ginger curly hair and rosy cheeks covered in freckles.

Hayley kills the engine then opens my brother’s door for him. I climb out last, and look up at the large mansion house, while Kit busies himself helping Hayley get our bags out of the boot.

“Welcome children.” The lady beams, beckoning us forward with her hand. I shove Kit gently in the back to get him to stop gawping and start moving his feet. Taking the hint, he climbs the stone stairs to where she waits for us. “Welcome to Hawk Manor House.”

She looks over at my brother first. “Well, aren’t you a handsome young man. You are the image of your father when he was your age.”

“You knew him?” I ask, my eyes darting up to hers at the mention of our father.

“I did. I was his nanny. No one knew that boy like I did.” She smiles and shakes her head like she is pulling herself from a long-forgotten memory. “Well, let’s get you inside and settled.”

We hurry after her, inside the house, and Hayley follows behind us.

“Woah!” Kit exclaims, his head moving in all directions as he takes in the grand foyer. “This is epic!”

Epic is not how I would describe it. Opulent and indulgent would be more appropriate word choices. The floor looks like marble, and a black ornate staircase over to the left curves up to the next floor. Shiny chandeliers hang from the ceiling creating prisms of light across the walls and floors. I feel tiny standing in this vast space with its high ceiling and grand staircase.

“I’ll show you both to your bedrooms first and then I’ll give you a tour of the house. Miss Parker, will you be staying for some refreshments?”

Hayley smiles but shakes her head. “Thank you, that is a lovely offer, but I have to get back on the road shortly. I have a long journey home.”

The housekeeper, whose name I don’t yet know, guides us up the remaining stairs and down a corridor that runs along the east side of the house. As we follow her, I pause halfway up the curved staircase when I notice a large painting hanging from the wall. A painting of a woman who looks just like me. Her eyes are the same deep chocolate brown as mine, our chins have the same small dimple, and her skin is as pale as mine. I guess I now know which side of the family I get my looks from. She’s sitting under a pink blossom tree reading a book, her attention lost in the words on the pages of the story in her hands.

“You’re both in the east wing of the house. The west wing is your grandfathers.”

“The east wing.” My brother chuckles, putting on a posh accent, and I can’t help but smile.

“This is your room, young man.” She pushes open two large doors and I’m surprised when I see it’s decorated in modern décor. Gone is the Georgian style and antique furniture. The walls are painted in navy blue and white, and the bed is a modern double with a black metal frame. Over to the right of the room there’s a large television on the wall and beneath it sits an X-box and a PlayStation. It’s the type of bedroom most teenage boys could only dream of.

“Hell yes!” Kit says with a long, low whistle. “Do you see this shit, sis?” he asks me with a huge grin on his face.

“I see it,” I reply with a soft smile. My brother is my world and seeing him so happy makes me feel happy.

“Follow me, young lady.”

With a wink and a grin to my brother, I leave him with Hayley to soak in his epic new bedroom and I follow the housekeeper further down the corridor. She pushes open two doors and I stop still in my steps.

It’s pale pink. I mean really pink.