Page 3 of Ruthless Legacy

“I smell bullshit,” Kit states, his dark brown eyes filled with apprehension and fear.

“Well, it’s happening, kid, so we’re going to have to roll with it. We’ll be okay. It’s you and me against the world, yeah?” I hold out my fist.

He can’t help it, he breaks out into a grin and taps my fist with his. “You know it.”

I smile back at him. I’m pretty good at pulling him from his moods.

He chuckles. “I can’t believe you stole Jackie’s car.” He shakes his head. “I mean, really bad-ass stealing a Ford Focus, sis.”

“Hardy, har, har.” I grin, relieved he’s smiling again. Nothing is more important than my brother’s happiness, and I’ll move heaven and earth to ensure he gets it.


Five days later, we have packed our bags, and Hayley has arrived to take us to our new home. I’m still not entirely convinced that everything is, and will be, as wonderful as Hayley is leading us to believe. There are so many questions in my head.

“Have you double checked you have your lifeline charger.” Steve teases me, as we all stand in the hallway, surrounded by our cases, filled with our belongings and our memory books from each foster home.

I roll my eyes, but I can’t resist a smile. “Yes, I have my phone charger.”

“Ready to go then?” Hayley asks us both. I nod my head.

Steve ruffles Kit’s hair. “You keep your head down and keep training hard. One day I’ll be watching you on the tv playing for Stoke City.”

Kit laughs. “I think you mean United.”

Steve smiles. “Just take care, okay?”

Kit nods and smiles at Steve. He’s bonded with Steve over the last six months thanks to their shared love of football. “I will.”

Jackie wipes a tear away. “Okay, let’s get this over with before I start blubbering all over you both.” She pulls Kit in fort a hug. “We’re always a phone call away, okay?”

Steve gently nudges my shoulder. “You take care as well young lady. Use that fire in you to create a good life. You have so much potential.”

I nod. “I will and thank you for putting up with all my shit. I know I haven’t been easy.” I almost choke on my words. I’m not good at apologising or admitting when I’m wrong.

Steve nods his head. I think he knows how hard it was for me to say those words to him. I pull the handle up on my wheeled suitcase and follow Hayley to her car. Kit has his chinchilla, Winston, in his carrier, and he places him between us on the back seats.