Page 2 of Ruthless Legacy

“A family member has come forward to claim you both,” Hayley announces. I blink. Sorry, did she just say a family member? I think my ears must be playing tricks on me. Maybe I’ve imagined it and heard what I wanted to hear.

Kit scoffs. “We don’t have any family. Why do you think we’ve been in care for the last five years?”

Hayley shrugs. “Well, we were wrong. Your Grandfather is now your legal guardian and you’ll be going to live with him.”

I hold my hand out to stop her talking any further. “Rewind a bit. We have a grandfather?”

Hayley smiles. “Yes, and he’s a good man. I’ve met him via video call.”

“What side of the family?” Kit asks her, his voice hesitant. I know why. He doesn’t want to get his hopes up that this could be real. Like we could finally belong to someone.

“Your fathers.”

I nod, still processing this shocking news. “He said his parents were dead.”

Hayley shrugs her shoulders again. “I can’t explain that to you. But this man is definitely your grandfather.”

I chew on my lip. “Where does he live?”

“He lives of the south coast, in a beautiful seaside resort. He’s also very successful. His home is quite beautiful.”

“How do you know?” Kit asks, his voice still hostile,

“He’s shown me photos, and I’ve had a video tour of his house. He’s already had bedrooms decorated for you both.”

“I’m not fucking going,” Kit protests, leaning back into the sofa and crossing his arms over himself defensively, then blows his dark hair out of his eyes.

Hayley offers him an understanding smile. “I know this is a lot to process, but he’s your legal guardian, Kit. You will be going to live with him.”

“Why now?” I ask her. Why has this mysterious grandfather come forward now, after all this time?

Hayley shakes her head. “I can’t speak for your grandfather. That is a conversation you will need to have with him.”

I look over at my brother. He’s pissed off. I know he’s been happy here. Probably the happiest he’s been since we’ve been in care. He’s made a good group of friends and he loves playing for the local team. I place my hand on his leg. “This is good, Kit. He’s family. No more moving, no more feeling like we can’t make roots in case we have to move.”

“I’m just so tired of moving and staring again,” he admits.

Hearing my brother say how much the system has broken him breaks my heart. And people wonder why I’m angry?

“I know, but this is different.”

“Is it?” he asks me, sitting up straight, looking from me to Hayley. “What if he gets fed up with us and decides he doesn’t want us anymore? What then? Another foster home? Another school?”

I can see Hayley struggling not to betray her emotions. “He won’t get fed up with you, Kit. He’s really looking forward to getting to know you and the school you are going to has the best sports facilities. There’s even a pool.”

I can see him waiver slightly. “Do they have a football team?”

She nods. “They do, the school is top-notch. The range of sports it offers is amazing.”

Kit looks over at me and I smile in encouragement. “It sounds good, Kit.”

Inside, I’m not really that convinced, but I put on my game face for my brother. I want him to feel good about this. He can leave the worrying to me. Am I cynical about this news? You bet. For a start, my dad must have had a reason to say his parents were dead. If this grandfather is so great, then why did our dad have no contact with him? And why did we never meet him? I mean, if he gave a shit about us, then surely he would have been a part of our lives when we were younger? Something didn’t add up here.

Hayley looks at her watch and gets to her feet. “I’ll be back on Saturday to collect you; I’m driving you down there myself.”

“You are?” I say in surprise. I presumed we’d be put on a train or something.

Hayley grins. “Yes, I am. I want to take you.” She turns her attention to out foster carers. “Jackie, Steve, thank you for being so understanding with Eliza. She is very lucky you are so forgiving.” She gives me a pointed look before she picks up her bag and car keys and heads towards the door. Steve and Jackie see her out.