Marigold smiled. She was looking a little less upset and more like her old self.

“Well, I’m sure we can make this evening a little better. Why don’t you guys come in, I’ll order pizza, and we can just pig out?”

Darren blinked. Was she offering to let them come inside?

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I don’t feel like being on my own right now.”

He had never been inside her apartment. Marigold had never offered. Now Darren could feel his pulse skipping at the thought. He forced himself to focus. He really needed to stop. This wasn’t a date they were on. It was just an innocent offer. Darren had to concentrate and remember that it wasn’t an intimate thing.

Even so, the thought had his cock stirring. Darren gritted his teeth. Why did it have to be now?

“Sounds cool.” Nathan said brightly. “I’m starving, anyway. Finger food is never going to fill my belly.”

“Same here.” Jake smiled at Marigold. “I’m sure we can liven up the evening.”

Marigold laughed.

“I’m sure you can.”

She got out, and Darren found himself scrambling for the door handle to get out his side. Damn, what was it about Marigold Soaper that left him behaving like he had never been around a woman before? She had been able to knock him off-kilter since they met, and it was getting irritating.

Then why don’t you do anything about it? Why not ask her out?

Because I’m a coward. And she deserves better than me.

The three of them followed Marigold into the building and took the stairs to the second floor. Marigold went on ahead, bounding up the stairs like they didn’t bother her. Her sweet backside swayed as she walked, and Darren was beginning to regret going up first. His cock was really hard now, and it was a struggle to climb the stairs. He even tripped over a couple, which had Jake sniggering behind him. Darren ignored him and concentrated on his feet instead of staring at Marigold’s ass.

They reached her apartment, and Marigold let them in. Darren was surprised at what he saw. He had made Marigold to have a flamboyant taste with bright, bold colors everywhere. Instead, the apartment had a more earthy feel, a rustic quality about the whole place. Everything pretty much matched, and she didn’t have much clutter around. Darren could safely say this was the neatest apartment he had ever seen.

“You three get yourselves settled.” Marigold put her purse on the hall table and headed towards a door at the far end. “I’ll just get changed.”

“Want some help getting out of that dress?” Nathan called after her.

Darren spun around to stare at him, but Marigold just laughed.

“I think I can manage, Nathan. I’m a big girl.”

Nathan chuckled and went into the living room. Jake followed, shaking his head with a smile. How was he okay with Nathan saying something like that? Darren followed them into the room, scowling at Nathan as he flopped onto the settee.

“What the hell, Nathan?”


“Saying something like that. And in front of your partner!”

“Jake doesn’t mind.” Nathan shrugged. “He knows we’re faithful to each other, so a bit of flirtation isn’t going to rock anything.”

Jake sighed as he leaned against the armchair, folding his arms as he regarded Darren.

“I don’t have a problem with it, Darren. Why do you?”

“Because it’s not respectful to you.”

“That’s not the reason, and we all know it.”

Darren shoved his hands in his pockets. His cock still hadn’t relaxed, and with the pants he was wearing it was going to be obvious.