Chapter Twenty

Taking a leisurely walk down the sidewalks of the Hamptons, Jack headed toward his black BMW. He was tired of America and was ready to go back to Europe. He realized he had been a little sloppy with Shannon. The way he saw it was no one would find out, and if they did by then he would be out of the country. Far, far away. He had come to hate America, as the women had no self-confidence and left him with little fun any more. This could be his first mistake, something his family should be able to back him up on if it came to that point. Families forgive. He looked forward to his meeting with Castle, as it had been a couple of months since he had seen his business partner.

Arriving at the airport hangar, he stepped out of the car to have Castle stepping out of the jet to greet him.

Walking toward his brother, he held out both arms. “What a wonderful surprise!”

Castle, unhappy to have to be here, did not share the greeting. “Family believes you have been killing too many people. Too many bodies are being found. It’s bad for business in America.”

“You mean the family needs a scapegoat,” was all Jack said, knowing the decision could not be overturned. So much for family, he thought, as he mentally prepared for what was coming next.

Castle held out his handgun with a silencer. “I’m sorry, orders came from the top.” Without a second of hesitation, Castle pulled the trigger…


By the timehelp arrived for Shannon, she had come around. She somehow managed to tell Logan, Lilly, Ryan, the police and paramedics that she saw Jack drag Payton out of the room before she blacked out. She ended up telling her story from start to finish, including the account full of money.


Paramedics arrived onthe scene for Payton; she had lost a lot of blood. Her sister was still clueless about her whereabouts as she tended to Shannon. Lilly was so focused on Shannon and her story of where Payton was she missed the other commotion in the hotel. The hallway was so full of police, paramedics and hotel staff it was impossible to know what had been happening.

Once at the hospital, Payton immediately had to go under for blood transfusions to try to keep her alive. Dixon tried to keep up a manly front, but felt like he was dying on the inside, as Payton lay lifeless. Knowing that Payton was in good hands, he took a moment to step out and think. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to save her. No money he wouldn’t pay. He had to let Lilly know where she was and her condition. It wouldn’t be fair to either one if he kept Payton to himself.

She was in critical condition for about a week, until she finally started to show signs of improving. Dixon stayed at her bedside the whole time, clinging to her hand. Then one day he noticed she was awake. Her eyes began to flutter open; it was like coming out from complete darkness into the sun’s light.

“Payton.” Dixon’s eyes were swelling up with tears as he kissed her hand and whispered, “I love you so much.” He kept saying this as she woke further, as he knew this was what she had been hoping for. He bent over her, giving her a gentle kiss.

Her lips parted to accept his kiss; she desperately wanted to show him she still loved him as much as the last time they had seen each other.

Dixon vowed to her he would love her every day for the rest of their lives.