Both of her hands tried to push him away as she attempted to take a step back. Her panic quickly went from a scale of one to ten. Her body temperature increased, causing the room to feel extremely hot. She started to sweat, like she had just run a marathon. Stay calm, she ordered herself while trying to think. He was too strong and she stayed in place, as he wanted. Leaving was out of the question, she realized. As he was forcing himself on her, she weighed her options. It was obvious Jack wanted sex; did he think her declining was just a game? Thinking about their short past it was plausible. Was this all he wanted? She decided to pour her glass of wine on top of his head. Hoping this could be her chance to escape him, and truly find out if this was just a game. The cold liquid poured down his face, onto the rest of his body and floor. She immediately saw his face change from white to red.

His eyes began to pop out of their sockets with fiery rage, but he quickly controlled his emotion while narrowing his eyes at her. She now had become the enemy. He made no attempt to hide his cold, hard look; she should have known better.

Without warning, Jack huffed, “Fucking bitch.” He slapped her face and threw her over his shoulder, carrying her into his master suite.

Quickly, the blood drained from her face from the fear she felt. She could taste blood in her mouth from his slap. She now realized Jack thought she had crossed the line. Her gut told her his slap would be the kindest thing he would do to her. She was deathly afraid of what he had planned for her next. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She had nightmares before about screaming and no voice to let the scream out but never imagined it could actually happen.

All she could do was see the floor as he marched her away. Knowing she still had the glass in her hand she knew it was her only weapon. Her body’s flight-or-fight response began to kick in. She would hit him over the head at her first opportunity. Unfortunately, she would have to wait until she was able to reach his head.

Jack’s breathing became more labored. His face had a permanent grin on it; he enjoyed his job. He enjoyed showing people how much better he was than them. His favorite way to do this was through physical domination. He loved the look of fear on his victims’ faces when they realized that they were paralyzed with terror. He actually hoped the adrenaline would start flowing through their veins and cause them to fight for their lives. Otherwise, he found it boring. He bet Payton would fight for her life, he was betting on it. They had been having so much fun together it would be a shame if it ended on a low note.

Payton tried to take her surroundings in during the few seconds she had. The only escape from the room she was now being carried into was the front door. There was no balcony opening to this room.

Jack swung her down on top of the bed from over his shoulder, then immediately put his forearm on her neck as he took off his belt.

“You’re going to enjoy this,” was all he said as he spread her legs with his. He was not going to stop until he got what he wanted.

Was her best hope to be that he only wanted sex? All of her emotions channeled into anger. Something snapped inside of her—she was not going down easy. No one forced Payton to have sex, especially a dud like Jack. With one swipe her hand came up, causing her wine glass to break across the side of Jack’s head. Some droplets of blood splattered on her but, unfortunately, the damage was not as bad as she hoped it would be.

This added gasoline to the fire that built inside of Jack. But he was too much in control to let this affect his precise plan. Instead of acting out in that moment of rage, he kept with his plan. He was going to teach her a lesson.

Surveying what she had done, she realized it probably hadn’t been her best option. Glass shards now lay on her and the bed. Jack was looking at her with a mischievous grin that caused her to get chills. He looked purely evil.

Before her thoughts and instincts allowed her to scream, Jack flipped her over to her stomach and wrapped his belt around her neck. “Make a whimper and I’ll strangle you.”

Jack’s feelings of rage washed away and were replaced with excitement. With one hand on the end of the belt, keeping it tight, he used his other hand to touch the leather around her neck. Both surfaces were so smooth. He bent his head down to kiss the skin of her neck, he liked feeling the power of her life in his hands. He liked how he could feel her veins pulsate on his lips. Payton had a special gift that had him wanting to fuck, more so than the other whores. He began to feel the blood rush into his cock, which was springing to life in his pants.

With all of Payton’s strength she tried to escape, as Jack continued to spread her legs further apart. The harder she tried to keep her legs together, the more she could feel him press himself behind her. The belt cut into her throat, not allowing her to make a sound or get oxygen. She could feel his cock pressed on her bum cheek as he tried to keep her down. She could not believe this was happening. She began to cry silent tears, realizing he was too strong for her. The harder she tried to kick her legs, the harder his grip was on the belt. Closing her eyes, she began to focus on the belt, using her hands to get at it, trying to give her neck some much needed space. She was scared of being raped and even more scared of dying and him getting away with it.

She was a fighter—he liked that. This added to his already swollen erection. It was better if she wiggled a bit. After all, no one likes anyone to starfish it. He was enjoying this more than he thought. The more she bucked, the harder he got. This was going to feel good and satisfying. With one hand he undid his pants, letting them drop to the floor, letting his cock spring free and began the motions of mounting her. He was only a few minutes away from climax. Just before Jack entered her, and just before Payton passed out from the limited amount of air in her lungs, there was a knock on the door. Jack cuffed her across the head and Payton passed out. He was outraged that someone was interrupting him and took it out on her. Blue balls were not something he enjoyed. Looking at her limp body, he wished he hadn’t lost control and knocked her out. He just needed to get inside her moist pussy and he would have ejaculated in an instant. He was tempted to take her now, but the luster was lost without her fighting against him.