My throat is closing in on itself. The eyes of the people in the crowd burn my skin.

Katrina laughs, cutting some of the tension. “Alfonso, if you’re looking to trade up, let me know.”

“Excuse me?” I rear back, her betrayal squeezing my chest.

Her pupils are so large her eyes look black instead of gray. Red outlines her irises, and she laughs again.

“We all know you’ll be back together by the end of the night,” my sister says for everyone to hear. “If it’s truly over, Alfonso would take me up on my offer.” Alfonso looks at me, and Katrina gets up from her spot, going to him. “If you change your mind, I’ll be upstairs.” She seductively blows into his ear, putting on a show.

I step away, allowing my sister to flirt with my best friend. No one watches my retreat. All eyes stay on the two of them. Katrina was always more popular. Her wild streak had people taking notice of her. Where I’m too much of a rule follower.

“How come Barbie never gets pregnant?” Romeo is standing beside me, drinking a beer casually.

I roll my eyes, refusing to speak to him. Unable to watch my sister place her arms around Alfonso, I glance at Romeo out the corner of my eye. His toned abs have his shirt sitting perfectly. He’s not the kind of ripped that would take a full-time job at the gym, but he’s tapered to precision.

Romeo’s lips tilt up when he notices he has my attention. His thick, dark eyelashes shouldn’t hold my focus, but this fact only serves as another reminder of how handsome he is. My mouth goes dry with irritation that I would notice such a thing right now.

I glare at him. My left eyebrow arches, and his lips kick up higher on his face.

Knowing he has my full attention, he says the punchline, “Because Ken always comes in another box.”

My teeth grind, and I want to scream. Meeting his eyes, I see he winks at me, enjoying my pain. His green eyes are cocky, taking in my reaction. A knot forms in my throat. The room is smaller than when I first walked in. My fists curl, wishing I was strong enough to pop him in the face. I want to protect Alfonso, telling Romeo it’s not like that. But I can’t. We have to follow through with the lie. Even if the lie feels like it’s burying me.

I can’t help myself; I cry. All the pressure of the day hits me, I can’t stop it. People are looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. Romeo’s cocky smirk transforms into a frown wrinkling his forehead. For the briefest of seconds, I consider the fact that he regrets his joke, but it’s swiped away with a cold look.

“It’s a joke. I don’t need two girls crying on me tonight.” His tone is softer than I would have expected though. My tears are heavy on my lashes, and when I glance from under them, deep forest hued eyes study me. His expression is unreadable.

My palm wipes at my tears. I’ve never been one for drama. His large hand slides to my hip, and in one swift motion, he spins me toward the kitchen and leads me to the dark backyard.

“I’ve dealt with girls in your situation. Don’t let him see you’re hurt.”

“Oh good, I’m getting advice from a cheater and the enemy.” A shadow of annoyance slips over him before his arrogant smirk returns to his face.

“I don’t date. Therefore, I can’t cheat. But that’s beside the point. You want to get back at him?” Romeo steps into me, his hard chest solid against me. His fingers feather up my arm, lightly dancing on my skin. I have no control over the shiver he elicits through my body. While his woodsy scent washes over me.

His biceps fill his sleeves to perfection. He really does look flawless, almost as if he was chiseled by an artist.

The way he’s intently staring at me has me wondering if he thinks he’s my knight in shining armor. That I’m a damsel in distress. If only they all knew this was for show. My chest aches.

“You need to show him you’ve moved on. The best way to get under a guy’s skin is to prove he’s no longer in your thoughts, that he is no longer useful.”

My heart is racing. He rocks his hips into mine and presses his hard dick into me. It’s enough to pull me from my stupor.

“I would rather cry and be the center of attention than touch you.” I step away, a humorless laugh escaping me.

“You’ll be back; they always are,” he mocks, blowing a kiss toward me.

“No one wants you, Romeo. It’s time to give up on false hope,” I sass, annoyed that for a moment I allowed him to be a shoulder to lean on. What the hell was I thinking?

“For your sake, I hope you never kiss me,” he says behind me while I head back into the party.

I can’t help myself; I stop and turn toward him, my curiosity piqued. “Please, do tell and enlighten me.”

“My kissing game will make you want to fuck me.”

I swallow at his awful attempt at flirting. “Do women actually go for your crude lines?”

A deep chuckle escapes his lips. “More than you would think.”