“Listen. I want to take my wife on more dates. You do not get to tell me no on this. I should have done it months ago.”

I love the way he’s demanding this of me. Truth is, I would have kept on doing it, because I felt it is expected. But this in some weird way has me relaxing. I need the help.

“There’s that smile I love. Go shower before I decide to fuck you again and we end up late.”

“Thank you.”

I skip upstairs, my heart full. I wouldn’t want our life any other way. When I come back down, our house is filled with roses.

“Your carriage awaits.” He’s changed into a suit and has the front door open for me.

“What about the kids?” I ask, looking around the silent house.

“Your mom is playing with them in the backyard.”

Linking my arm with his, we step outside. A replica of the car I crashed all those years ago sits in our driveway.

“I plan to fuck you in there later too.” His voice feathers across my neck.

A shiver rolls over my skin. Romeo’s hand is sprawled on my lower back, his thumb brushing over the fabric. “You are the best thing to ever happen to me. But you better not crash this car.”

I give him a kiss. “You better behave then. We both know I have a temper,” I joke.

“That’s my girl.”

A laugh bubbles out, and I keep thinking about the dicks I drew on his car. My hand goes into my purse, and I pull out a red lipstick like that night.

“Don’t you dare,” he cautions, his eyes growing wide.

We both already know I’m going to do it. Running up to the car, I quickly draw a pair of balls and a dick.

“Your dick-drawing abilities have improved. If I wasn’t so angry about you drawing on my car the first time, I would have commented on what type of dicks you had been looking at.”

Romeo pulls me in and kisses me.

“I wouldn’t change a thing about us,” I say breathlessly. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”