Our engagement party is being hailed as the uniting force in Texas. For the first time in a generation, the Rossis and the Mancinis are all in the same place. There’s still betting on how many gunshots will be fired, who might get shot, and who’ll get into the first fight.

The room is at capacity, no one in their right mind wanting to miss this opportunity. I stand with a group of people surrounding me and a glass of wine in hand. I haven’t taken a drink yet. I should have never yielded to Nicoli when he demanded that he would be the one to bring Gia to our engagement party. She and I should have walked in together as the united front that we are.

She’s late.

My steady hands are sticky with sweat as I wait. I hate waiting.

My name is called, and I realize someone is still talking to me. I have no chance to find out. Gia walks enters in a baby-blue dress, and the air from my lungs is sucked out. I hand my glass to the first person beside me and stalk toward her. Slowly, her eyes draw up, catching mine. A timid, gorgeous smile spills across her face. I clear my throat as I come up to her. Her father’s arm is still out for her to hold on to.

Nicoli laughs as I steal her hand away. My shoulders relax, my heart comes back to a normal pace, and my smile is evident on my face. That’s what this girl does to me. She’s my weakness. One I’d gladly avenge and cut anyone who crosses her in any way.

“What’s with the look?” she asks with this sexy-as-fuck shy persona. I love I get this version and the fire that burns beneath the skin.

“I’m admiring how I get to be with the most beautiful girl in the room.”

Her eyes dance with my compliment.

Leading her to the center of the room, I grab us both a glass of wine before calling everyone’s attention to us.

That’s when I see Alfonso walk in. “What the fuck is he doing here?” I can feel myself burning with rage. I don’t want him near Gia. If I could get away with it, I would shoot him.

Gia pulls me from the crowd. Her soft hands cup my face, bringing my eyes back to hers.

“Today is all about me and you. Don’t let the outside world taint us and what we have.”

My nostrils flare, still not understanding why she sticks up for him. Holding her hand tighter than necessary, I lead her toward a bathroom. I jiggle the handle; it’s locked. “Out,” I growl, but no one responds. I wait, not wanting to have a heated discussion with Gia in public. When I knock again with no response, I kick the door in.

I stand, shocked, not expecting to see Alfonso on his knees in front of another man. I don’t know what to do other than cover Gia’s eyes.

“Your secret is safe with me, as long as you never come around Gia again,” I command. I don’t care if he’s gay. He still doesn’t get the privilege of being her friend when he put her through hell. But now it makes sense why she protected him.

I close the door, giving them their privacy. If anyone else walked in, things would have gone differently. I don’t care about small shit like who you love, as long as it’s not my soon-to-be wife.

A loud crash has screams erupting and guns being pulled out. Gia and I race back into the main area. A black sports car has crashed through the wall of windows. The door opens, and we see one long leg poke out before silk-like material floats down, and her sister Luna steps out.

“Are you fucking insane!” an Irish accent shouts, and I see the same man who had my back with Gia in a suit getting out of the other car door.

“I thought adrenaline was your thing,” she purrs at him, unaware of the entire room’s attention on them.

He takes a menacing step toward her and cups his large hand around her neck. Everyone stops breathing, waiting for Nicoli to respond.

“Fin, if you can’t control my daughter by other means, I will find someone who can.”

Their backs go stiff before Fin pivots around. His back straightens. “I was simply trying to give her a driving lesson.” He brushes the dust from his pants before leaning back to clasp Luna’s hand with his. She stumbles to his side, both glaring at each other.

Low whispers circulate the room. I’m not sure if it’s because of them or for the reason I was supposed to kill this man.

Gia steps forward. “You must be Luna’s new bodyguard.” She extends her hand to him. He takes a cautious look around the room before he accepts her handshake.

Hugo doesn’t waste a moment to replace Gia’s spot beside me. “He lives.”

“I’ve brought peace. It will have our bank accounts flowing like we have never seen.”

He grunts. “When the taps turn off, people will look for a reason. You have too many friends from too many places. Be careful of this false high. No one wants peace unless they perceive themselves as failing. We have never complained about the war. You are being hailed as the one who united us. But you will be condemned as the one who leads our enemies into our homes. Remember that when Gia Rossi warms your bed at night.”

“Do we have a problem?”

“There’s never a problem in times of peace, Romeo.”

He pats me on the back. When Gia returns, he offers his congratulations and kisses her on the cheek. I want to rip off every man’s lips who has touched her in any way. Even a simple kiss in greeting.