“We don’t have time for this,” I vaguely hear Max comment. It has Romeo kissing me harder. My hands are scraping at his arms, trying to pull him in tighter. This, what we have here, is what I never want to lose. As the world is exploding, we’re in our own bubble, not giving a damn.

“Motherfucker!” Max shouts as a gun goes off.

Within half a second Romeo has opened the door and tossed me in, his body acting as a shield to save mine. At the sound of wheels spinning, we are thrown backward from the momentum of the car racing away.

“You came,” I whisper.

“Of course I did.”

“What took you so long?”

“I’m pretty sure I made a deal with the devil.”

I bite my lower lip, not sure what he means. Two of his fingers grasp my chin gently. “It’s nothing I can’t handle. And by the looks of it, the devil might be a family problem.”

I look at him questioningly. “All I’m trying to say is that your brother has some dealings with him too.”

That has me feeling better. I search his face, and he’s relaxed. His eyes don’t crinkle with stress. He’s looking every bit as handsome and cocky as I’ve grown to love.

“I think it’s time that I meet your father.”

Automatically, my eyes widen at the thought. A thought that hadn’t crossed my mind yet. When it should have.

“Relax, Gia. Your father is an honorable man. He will honor his agreement. Once he realizes I will protect you at all costs, he’ll be happy to uphold the agreement.” He pecks my lips, a warm smile brightening his face. “I was born to love you.”

The world has a mysterious way of having things work out. My heart is holding on to the hope that Romeo is right. I’m not sure I could survive another disappointment. My heart wouldn’t be able to recover if it was ripped apart.

We arrive at my parents’. The blood in my vein pulses. Romeo steps out, confident, and places a kiss on the inside of my wrist.

“Everything will be fine,” he tries to convince me.

I grab hold of his muscular arm. “I need to tell you something. Just in case you don’t come back to me.”

“I’m coming back.” His words are perfectly pronounced, stressing his point.

“I’m pregnant!” I blurt, not wanting him to die or do something stupid to risk not being in our baby’s life.

His hand instantly goes to my stomach, touching it like it’s the most precious thing. “You are so lucky I’m in awe right now. You could’ve been hurt, shot.” He places a kiss over my dress beside my belly button. “What if I didn’t win?”

“I knew you would win. I knew you would come for me. It was the only way I could see a future for us. One that everyone was content with. One that would stop our families from warring with each other.”

“Hear that? Your mommy looks all sweet, but she knows how to get her own way. She’s sneaky like that. I hope you learn to be just like her, because she’s perfect.” He sighs. “Your father wouldn’t widow his youngest daughter, would he?” For the first time, he looks nervous. “It’s one thing to kidnap, but to get her pregnant? These Dons are old school, with the old country’s way of life and marriage.”

I pull him up and kiss him. “He’s going to love you. Once he gets over everything.” I try not to chuckle, but it’s rare to see Romeo not his cocky self.