He laughs. “I’ve never known you to back down.”

“She’s a fucking Rossi. We would have ended up killing each other.”

“I’m not blind or stupid. You’ve been in love with her since you set eyes on her.”

I can’t even deny that to myself anymore. She has always been my holy grail. I used to watch her from afar. I hated that I was envious of anyone she smiled at.

“We got what we want because we let her go. Because I let her free. It was the plan, and I stuck to it.”

“Now find a way to keep the territory and get the girl.” Max stands ready to fight me on this issue. It reminds me of how quickly they had become friends. Jealousy hits me like a sledgehammer.

“I can have any woman I want.” Even as I say it, my dick stays deflated, only wanting Gia Rossi.

“We both know you only want one girl.” He levels me with a knowing look.

“She betrayed us. She’s lucky I’m letting her live.” Facts are facts. I remind myself that I can’t let my attachment to her get in the way.

“We both know you would never harm her. She tried to kill you, and all you did was fuck her.”

“She clouded my judgment. All she would do is end up getting me killed.”

“I disagree. She made you rise to greatness.”

My heart starts to beat. It has hope that I refused to allow it to see. My brother is pushing the image I want but know I can’t have. “She’s a backstabbing bitch.” I don’t mean a single word of it. But I have to say something before my brother can see right through me.

“I told her to leave you. I pushed her away from you. If she stayed, you would have been killed. Anyone could see it before it happened. Coy knew it. That’s why he kept you alive instead of killing you. Why he agreed to anything dealing with you and a Rossi. He thought the Rossis would get rid of you. And he wouldn’t have to.”

Fire burns in my veins. “What the fuck did you say?”

“Coy was using you.”

“No, what the fuck did you say to Gia?”

That addicting burn runs rampant in my chest and nerves. It lights my entire body up. I charge my brother. I don’t hold back when I pummel him to the ground before landing a punch to his jaw, then to his gut. He blocks my shots the best he can but doesn’t fight back.

“Fight me!” I holler. I pick him up by the hair and punch his face once again. Blood leaks from his lips.

“We all knew if you were to succeed, you had to let her go. Now you need to reclaim her.”

My brother is lucky I have no weapons on me; otherwise, he’d be a dead brother. “You made this happen?” I roll beside him, heaving. My own brother backstabbed me. I have no one. The two people I hoped to be on my side played me.

“I did it for you. You have the power. You can get her now,” he replies, using his thumb to wipe at the blood on his face.

My Adam’s apple bobs as I try to control the rage I have against my sibling.

“It’s about time you get out of your slump. Fucking fight for the girl, asshole.” He stands, extending his hand to me.

“I wouldn’t have to fight for her if it wasn’t for you.” I accept his hand. Deep down, I know he has my back, even if it seems backward.

“And you’d be dead. So, you’re welcome.”

“It’s not over yet. I might as well be killed if I can’t have her.” My mind is running with ideas. Gia Rossi is not going to get away from me.

Max hits my shoulder. “Now you’re fucking talking.”

I lift a brow. “You make no sense. You told her to leave. Now I should get her back?” My body wants to hope. My nerves rapidly fire at the thought of touching her once again.

“That sounds about right. You have an in with the family now. It’s a good thing I got the brains for both of us.”

We both chuckle, knowing getting Gia back will never be easy. Nicoli Rossi guards his daughters like we guard our gold. Gia is one of the most precious things he holds and will not be giving her away for free.