Pins and needles poke into my skin. I’m beyond nervous to see my family. Last time I saw one of them, I was handing her the needle that she would overdose on. Then I ran away. I didn’t stay to help. La famiglia protegge la famiglia. Family protects family. I did nothing of the sort.

There will be consequences. I defied our family’s greatest rule. It’s what keeps us together and unites us.

A black SUV pulls into the driveway, and my brother steps out. His expression is neutral, yet he looks lethal, like the born killer he is.

Romeo stands in front of me, his dog at my side, his teeth showing, but no sound escapes him. There are no handshakes. No warm greetings.

My brother eyes me up and down, and for a fraction of a second, when he sees I’m not hurt, his posture relaxes before he corrects himself.

“Let’s go, Gia.”

My feet hesitate for a second before Romeo turns and takes my hand. We both step in unison toward the car. I can see my brother’s disapproving glare. No one will ever be good enough for his sisters.

Romeo goes to slide into the back with me, but my brother’s hand stops him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“I’m coming to make sure she arrives safely.”

Both their eyes narrow at each other while I hold my breath. Luca looks around before he gives a curt nod and walks to the driver side.

Romeo’s posture is stiff, his eyes darting around, staying aware of our surroundings. It makes me nervous that he’s expecting something to go wrong.

My brother is the best sniper around. Surely no one would try something.

I’m used to high energy and friction when Romeo and I are in close quarters. Today, everything feels different. Maybe it’s because he has me now. I place my hand on his arm, and he doesn’t look toward me. It unnerves me more.

My brother still looks at him like the enemy. I can feel his awareness on us, even though his eyes haven’t moved from the road.

“When we arrive, Father wants you to meet him in his study. Romeo, you will go back home.”

Hearing my own family talk about home has it becoming more real. I bite my lower lip, and this time, Romeo places his hand on my arm. It’s the first time he’s looked at me and not our surroundings.

It has my heart pounding in anticipation. He leans over, his lips hovering over my ear. “You’re beautiful.” My lips curve upward. “That’s the smile I love.”

“Mancini, keep your paws off my sister,” my brother grumbles.

“Where’s Vinny?” I ask. His best friend is always at his side. In fact, my brother normally has a small entourage when he goes anywhere.

My brother ignores my question, and Romeo straightens himself. He’s back to his serious face.

“Are you expecting company?” Romeo’s deep voice rumbles through the car.

The tension in the car has goose bumps scattering down my arm.

“Romeo, how do you have so many enemies at such a young age?”

My heart rate speeds up at my brother’s question.

“Much like your reputation, it’s from cowards who are afraid of me.”

“We are nothing alike.” My brother scoffs, sounding insulted that Romeo would compare them. We’re still on the outskirts of the city. Another half hour until we reach our home. “You know, I’ve received a few offers to eliminate you. It would free up much of my time with you gone.”

“What have you done?” I hiss, my eyes scanning behind us. A tank of a Jeep is following. “That Jeep better be with us.”

“They’re not.”

Romeo pulls out a gun from his back and lifts his pant leg to get his other.

My brother meets my eyes in the rearview mirror. “You should know I would never jeopardize your safety.”