Her features shine with uncertainty. Fuck, is she still thinking about Alfonso? Did I force her hand in choosing me? I learned from an early age that love and acceptance are conditional. Is it all an act until she is away from me?

Everything has a price tag in life. I’m willing to pay the price for her. Can she say the same thing, though? It won’t be long now. Her family knows where she’s been hiding.

“I love you,” I tell her once more. She gives me a gorgeous smile.

For the first time in my life, I’m doing what feels right. Not what is loyal or needed to be accepted. I’m paving my own way. And it has nothing to do with the mafia, but because of the girl who sits here.

The temperature in the house attacks my skin, feeling like it’s gone up twenty degrees since we stepped in. My phone goes off in my pocket.

Max:Be home tonight. My area better be clean.

“I need to clean up Alfonso’s mess.” I take a step back. I want to say something else to her, but the words won’t come.

“What of my family?”

I shrug, trying to hide the anger I have from the past. “They now know I’m serious.”

“My father will retaliate.” Her eyes are large with concern.

“You’re worth it, and it’s about time he and I squared away our differences.” It’s time people realize the Mancini brothers refuse to be silenced.

“He’s going to want to murder you.”

Every muscle tenses, the familiar buzz of adrenaline surges through me. “Not if I do it first.”

When I leave the house, I close the door and stand there looking out over the farm. Her tiny, muffled sobs leak through the door. She’s loyal to a fault. That thought prickles into my heart like a thorn. It digs in, hurting my chest.

I stay outside,not wanting to see her cry for people who wouldn’t think twice about killing me. The evening is comfortable, it’s darkness soothing. There’s never silence around here. There’s always an animal on alert in some form or another.

Max’s headlights shine into the yard before he cuts his engine. “Are the rumors true?” he asks, circling his keys on his finger as he walks toward me.

The cold beer in my hand is now warm, its lid not cracked yet. When I drink, I do it to forget. I don’t want to forget anymore. I look up. “Which rumor would that be?”

“We’re going to war with both families.”

Fuck. It’s worse than I thought. My shoulders tense, my muscles pinching. Gia is worth it. The idea clings to my soul.

“You may have just united Texas for the first time in a generation.” He sits down with a smile, looking unconcerned that we’re walking dead men.

“That doesn’t bother you, brother?”

“I’m still too young to care about life. I look forward to the fight. Think what it will do to my already growing reputation if we win.” He pauses, imagining his world. “Pussy and money for life.” He slaps my leg.

“What should we do?” I blow out a breath.

“Do you love her?”


“Give her back. Make some deal with Nicoli that makes him look like the big man.”

“My pride will never allow me to give her to him. Alfonso wins if I do that.”

“Then we fight.”

I rake my hand down my face. My ears are on high alert, waiting for the sound of gravel being crushed under tires. It would be our only warning that death is coming to our doorstep.

“Tell me. Did you take notice of her the day Alfonso told you to keep your eyes off her?”