“Are you planning on telling me what happened?” I ask after stitching the cut above his eye.

Romeo is sitting in a chair, and I’m standing over him between his legs. “How about I show you?” He pulls me in closer. I doubt Romeo has ever allowed anyone to look down upon him, and here I am doing that. He’s always asserting himself. A small smile graces my lips that he’s allowing me to take care of him and comfortable enough to show me his vulnerable side.

He holds my hand as we walk across the yard. The dog isn’t in his typical shaded area by his tree. “Why does your dog not have a name?”

“It’s harder to get attached when you don’t name animals.”

“I’ve named about half the pigs.”

“Do you plan on eating any of them?”

I wrinkle my nose at the horrifying idea of that.

“See? You made my point.”

“But you don’t plan to eat your dog.” I’m still not seeing his logic.

“No, but he’s here for a purpose. No use in mourning a dog who couldn’t do what he’s trained for.”

“You don’t mean that.” I try to tug on his arm, but he keeps his steady pace.

“I trust no one. Not even my dog.”

“What about me?” My feet pause. I expect for him to pull me along, but his feet stop after mine. He doesn’t look back at me; he’s staring at the butcher shop.

“I’m still deciding.”

I pull on his hand, wanting him to look at me. This shouldn’t bother me. Can I even say I trust him? I trust he would never hurt me. Physically, at least. He now has the power to destroy my heart. Somehow, he stole it when I forgot to guard it.

His head nods to keep going, never truly looking at me. My feet move to match his pace.

I’ve never wandered over here. I’ve never been interested in what was done. I expected a pungent smell to invade my senses as we step closer. It doesn’t. The smell is odd, with a hint of bleach.

“Why does it smell like bleach?”

“Max has OCD. He likes everything clean.”

I suppose for sanitary reasons. But growing up in a mafia household, I know better. The main purpose of this shop isn’t to make pork sausages.

For each of Romeo’s two steps, I take one. I no longer want to see what’s in here.

“I changed my mind. You don’t need to show me.”

Romeo grips my hand tighter, refusing to let it go. “Gia, keep moving.”

My stomach swirls, knowing whatever’s behind the door, I won’t like. Keeping his hand tight on mine, he pulls me into the shop. The dark room brightens from outside when Romeo opens the door. I hear chains rattling as my eyes adjust. It takes a second before my eyes focus on the image in front of me. Alfonso is hanging from chains, his body slumped, and he’s battered.

I try to run to him, but Romeo holds me back. “No.” His voice is sharp with finality.

“I need to help him.”

Romeo turns on a light, and Alfonso’s head moves up. “Gia, your family misses you,” Alfonso tells me, his voice weak at the end.

Again, my feet try to move. I’m torn between the two of them. Alfonso is my best friend, always will be.

“You need to say goodbye,” Romeo’s rough voice says from behind. I turn my glistening eyes to Romeo. He scoffs, his eyes hardening. “Don’t you dare waste tears on him. He hurt you.”

I look from Romeo to Alfonso. “He’s my best friend.”