“Someone might as well put me out of my misery.” He scoffs, the fight in him dying out.

I punch him again. “That one is for disgracing Gia.”

“Kill me, then let her go,” he bargains, attempting to lift his head.

“She’s never leaving.” I crouch down for him to get a good look at my face. “Unlike you, when I see a good thing, it never leaves my grasp.”

“Gia is my best friend. I will always protect her.”

I snarl. She doesn’t need to be protected from me. I stand back up, satisfied with how Alfonso is at my mercy.

“You’re doing a shitty job of it right now. But I have to say you put up a bigger fight than I thought you would.” I rub at the cut above my eye.

“I would have done a better job if you didn’t cheat and have your dog pin me down.”

“Who knows you’re here?”

“Everyone important.” He spits at my shoes.

“And they sent you? I thought they wanted Gia back.” I walk to the wall, my fingers brushing over my brother’s favorite knives. “She’s not the same girl she was a few months ago.”

“If you’ve hurt one hair on her head….”

Ignoring him, I pull a knife from the wall and hold it in my hands before putting it back. “Hold that thought.” I whistle, and my dog sits in front of Alfonso, baring his teeth, ready to attack.