“Why don’t I have clothes here?” I question.

“Because you’re a stubborn woman.”

The idea makes me smile, even though I’m almost certain no one has ever called me that before. It still doesn’t make any sense, but I let it slide. My head begins to ache. It’s like whenever I think too hard, it fights back by making my body throb.

We enter his bedroom, and my heart rate accelerates. Gently, he places me in the middle of his bed, but the rest of his movements are stiff.

“I will bring dinner to you.”

Romeo must feel my resolve to do the opposite of what he says. I stay sitting up, crossing my arms like a child. He chuckles softly, refusing to look back at me.

“Take a nap, and I’ll wake you for dinner.”

He doesn’t wait for a reply, leaving me in a strange room that isn’t mine. I don’t need a memory to know this. Tugging at the pillow and pulling the top sheet, I place it on the wood floor. I refuse to share a bed with that man. He’s keeping secrets, and I have every intention of finding out what they are.