She sends me a smile that’s strained. Her legs slide over the edge, looking toned even though she hasn’t walked in about twelve days. I don’t miss the way her knuckles turn white, holding on to the bedframe as she hesitates to stand on her own. My lips hitch up as if to say Bet you wish you took my help.

She looks over at me, and instead of asking for assistance, she fucking laughs at me again. “You’re honestly not very good with women, are you?” she asks, lowering her feet to the ground. She takes a hesitant step, still holding onto the railing. “Oh my goodness,” she exclaims, looking at me worriedly.

Here it comes. Now she’ll realize I was trying to be helpful. Joke’s on her—I’m going to make her do this herself. I sink further into my chair, trying to look as comfortable as possible.

“I ruined you. You’re shitty at talking to women, because you never had to practice. I let you get away with stupid jokes and horrible flirting because I thought you were cute. Well, that was a bad mistake of my past self. Obviously, I was not thinking about my future self.” She shakes her head with a frown that looks like pity.

I jump to my feet, ready to tell her just how desirable I am to the opposite sex, when I realize I can’t. It would ruin the whole story I have set up.

“Don’t worry, Romeo. Think of this as a fresh start. You can practice on me. This time, I won’t be a bad girlfriend and let subpar lines fly.”

I practically growl, but I have to swallow it. “Fiancée, Gia. Not girlfriend,” I correct her, leaving the room and slamming the door behind me.

Gia fucking Rossi is getting in my head and digging deep under my skin. The farm dog comes barreling toward me, and I order, “Stop,” ready to take him by the collar if he doesn’t listen.

For the first time, he sits at my feet, wagging his tail. Now he fucking listens to me? This dog can attack on command but has no other listening abilities.

My feet scuff up the dirt as I take a walk around the farm, trying to clear my head. Having Gia so close might be harder than I thought. I’ve always been immune to women, but Gia is a different breed. I don’t need a know-it-all woman on my farm either. I’m going to have to pull off some amazing self-control around her.