His cocky grin slips off his handsome face at my question. He must have fucked up big. I’m not the kind of girl who drinks and drives. Again, how do I not know my name but know this about myself? Frustration is the main emotion rushing through me. My monitors speed up.

“You wanted to elope, while I wanted my brother with us. But don’t worry, Gia, I was being stupid. I’ll do whatever you want.”

My heart races with the thought of being married. The idea of marriage seems attainable, like the memory is on the tip of my tongue. It’s so close, but darkness consumes it.

The machine beeps faster, and the doctor rushes in.

“She’s awake again,” he states the obvious, looking from Romeo to me.

“Can you tell me the last thing you remember?”

I close my eyes, trying to push those memories into the light. My temple rings, and the pain is a slow, steady pulse toward the front of my forehead.

Then a flash of Romeo’s face in the car with me pops into my head. I open my eyes and gasp. Before anything else comes to me, it’s gone like it never happened.

“Romeo’s face pops into my memory, but no other details.”

I look over to Romeo, who’s smiling from ear to ear like I’ve just put him on a throne.

The doctor nods, looking over my chart. “If all goes well, you will be back to sharing a room with Romeo by nightfall,” the doctor informs me. My jaw drops. We’re sharing a bed before marriage? My stomach twists, worried I might get caught. The feeling is incredibly irrational. No one in the room blinks an eye at the doctor’s statement except me.