Ihear myself moan in pain. My whole body feels like someone took a hammer to each of my muscles. I attempt to move to alleviate the soreness of my back, but my muscles spasm, screaming in protest. My head pounds in retaliation. Everything hurts.

It smells like dirt and coffee, and in the distance, I hear the low murmuring of male voices.

“I thought you said she would wake up in twenty-four hours?”

“No, I said she might survive if she didn’t die in the first twenty-four hours.”

Am I dead?I try to open my eyes to see if my body is floating around and looking down at me. If I can open my eyes, maybe I can get back into my body.

“It’s been ten fucking days.”

I’m able to open my eyes enough for blinding light to enter, and I quickly close them. The light is too bright and hurts my head more. There’s no chance to focus on the figures near me.


Warmth brushes against my hand. The name confuses me. It feels unnatural, like a tight-fitting pair of jeans that cut into your skin.

The voices drift around me, and I have a hard time following them.

Something cold is touching my wrist, while that warmth at my other hand stays.

“Why won’t she open her eyes?” asks a masculine voice. It’s deep and rough, but his touch feels like warm clouds brushing over me.

“There’s no rule book for this. She may not wake up fully.”

“Gia, please wake up,” the husky voice whispers in my ear.

I try to open my eyes. The light floods in, and I have to close them again with a moan.

“Shut off the fucking lights” is yelled, making my head pulse erratically. “Try again.” The voice is demanding with an edge that has me obeying.

My eyes flutter open, and this time, it doesn’t hurt so much. I look into a stranger’s face.

“Thatta girl.”

The man staring over me is cute. He has longer hair that is tucked behind his ears and reaches his shoulders.

“You frightened us. Romeo didn’t leave your side the whole time.”

My head twists on the pillow to the other side. An older man wearing a white coat is talking to me.

I open my mouth to ask what happened, but the strain in my throat stops my attempt at speaking. A cup of water is brought to my dry lips, and the man named Romeo helps me sit up to have a drink.

The cold water is refreshing, and I slurp it down as fast as I can.

“Do you remember how you got here?” the man I’m assuming is the doctor asks. He has kind eyes, the type that make you feel comfortable enough to tell your deepest, darkest secrets to.

I shake my head, not trusting my voice yet. I try to think what caused my pain, and I come up blank. In fact, all I see is black when I try to think past the present. I can’t remember a thing. I have no secrets to tell, because my mind is an empty space of darkness.

I have no idea who I am, who these people are in the room. My eyes glance around as I try not to move my head. I recognize nothing. It doesn’t look like a hospital room, but it has all the devices.

“Where am I?” I manage to ask, and it comes out choppy and gruff.

“You’re at the farm.”

I don’t know what farm he’s talking about. I don’t feel any connection to animals. If I lived on a farm, I should feel at home, right? I look back at the handsome man, and there is a connection flowing between us.

“Who are you?” I question. Romeo’s forehead creases with a deep frown before he covers it with a gentle smile.