“Like who?” I place my hand on my hip, pretending to hate that he’s challenging me.

“Like your father?” He crosses his arms, his stance broad. That uniform he wears makes him look fine as hell. I’ve never wanted to jump him so badly.

“For a guy who hates the mafia, you seem to like to meddle with stuff that doesn’t involve you.”

“Let’s get something clear. I’m only looking out for your safety. It’s my job.”

“I’m safe, now go on and look for that guy with a gun.” I use my hands in a shooing motion for him to leave.

He runs his hand through his hair, seemingly unaffected by my defiance. “Let me come with you.”

Looking around, I have little option. “Whatever.”

He lets me go, and my body feels less tense than when I was alone.

We walk into a building that has a smoke shop at the bottom, then climb up the stairs. Each step is dirty like the railing. Our steps echo around before we come to the landing.

“The rest of the building is vacant. Frank rents out the rooms to people,” Theo informs me.

The first door we open, people start screaming, and Frank is on the floor getting a blowjob. Needles are scattered around the room, along with other drugs. I’m scared to take a step farther with how dirty the place is.

“Are you selling to Katrina?” I ask Frank. With Theo behind me, I don’t worry about anyone trying to jump me from behind.

Frank pushes the girl off him and tucks himself back into his pants. He makes a show of getting up and walking to us.

“You here to arrest me, Officer?” Frank doesn’t even look at me, ignoring me like I never asked a question.

“Answer the girl’s question.”

“Who the hell is Katrina?” he asks. I can smell his breath as it hits me in the face, and I’m a few feet from him.

“My sister.” He looks at me, making a face like he doesn’t know who the hell I am. “Our father is Nicoli Rossi.”

He shrugs. “I pay my tribute to them each week, and they let me stay in business. I need to make some of my money back. You wouldn’t let me poke you.” He winks. “Your sister came to me willingly.” He displays his yellow teeth with a smile.

“You’re going to stop selling to her immediately,” Theo says, all authoritarian-like.

“I’ll make you a deal. Aria smokes some weed with me, and I’ll agree.”

I’ve never touched drugs before. But it sounds like a small price to pay. I’m about to agree, when Theo answers for me. “That won’t be happening. If I hear of you selling it to her, you’ll have trouble.”

Frank ignores him. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to decide.”

“Frank, don’t be stupid,” Theo responds, pushing me out the door.

“Aria?” At the back of the room, Lori’s mom looks to be just waking up.

“Hi, Mrs. Brown. Can I give you a ride home?” I ask.

Frank steps into my view of her. “She’s staying until her daughter can pay off her debt.”

I want to offer to pay for it all, but Theo is shutting the door between us and pulling me down the stairs. “What the hell?”

He’s still pulling me, my wrist turning pink from his grasp. “I’m off my shift soon. Meet me back at my house.”

He hasn’t reached out to me since the party, and I don’t want to become a convenient fuck when he feels up to it. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

“Aria, I know that.” His hand slides down my arm. “Please.”