“You’ll see.” I pick up the water bottle and place my hand on her sandal. Giving her a wink, I leave the area. Grant is waiting at the car, and I head toward him to learn what he’s found out.
Our house isstill on lockdown, the war between the two families at a high point. My brother is constantly raging. You look at him wrong and you might get shot. His surprise wedding reception definitely didn’t go as planned. I’ve never known him to show much of any emotion before. And now he can’t hide them away. It makes it hard not to hear things I shouldn’t be. I also stopped trying tonothear what they’re saying.
Sitting in front of our pool, I’m in jeans and a hoodie, scrolling through social media, not that I’m allowed an account. I have a spam account that allows me to see what everyone posts.
Meet me in fifteen minutes.A text message pops up with an unknown number.
“What naughty message are you reading?” Startled by my sister’s voice, I close out my phone and see Luna is watching me. “Is it Marco from prison?” She wiggles her eyebrows.
I give her a look. “None… and no.”
She laughs. “If you’re going to be a lawyer, you need to work on your poker face.” She shakes her head, walking away.
Picking my phone back up, I see the unknown number has messaged me the name of a pub.
I can’t meet Theo in public. It would ruin my reputation. It would get me killed and break my father’s heart.
Me:Not happening.
Unknown:This is in your best interest.
Nope. He’s lucky I went and sat near him at the basketball game. That was a stupid move. But him shirtless was a sight to behold. That man has muscles in all the right places.
My phone dings, and Luna walks by me again. I wait until she’s sitting down and reading a book before picking up my phone. A video clip is attached, and it’s of me sitting by Theo. I’m behind him, but it’s obvious we’re speaking.
If this got into the wrong hands…
Me:Delete that right now.
Unknown:Where are your manners? A please and thank you can go a long way.
It kills me to write this.
Me:Please and thank you.
Unknown:Here’s my address. Come here instead.
I look over my phone at Luna. She isn’t paying any attention to me. The two guards by the pool are walking the perimeter, looking for any signs of someone trying to enter. They’re not looking for who’s leaving, so I might be able to leave undetected.
Unknown:I will delete the video once you are here, and you can see I’ve done it with your own eyes.
I don’t respond right away. I go to stand up, glancing back at the guards outside. They aren’t watching me. Luna has stood up and gone in and out a few times. They’re used to the movement right now. The house has been so chaotic since the wedding no one will miss me. I continue to debate with myself if I can make this happen.
“Aria,”Shit. I look at Luna. “Just remember hits have been placed just from someone looking at what is another man’s. If it’s not Marco you’re sexting, that man’s life is at risk. Remember that when you’re kissing him and not Marco.”
The guilt is causing my heart to accelerate. “It’s not what you think.” I hate that my father hasn’t put a stop to my stupid wedding with Marco. The best I can hope for is that Marco stays in jail. The longer he’s there, the longer until my wedding.
“Trust me, I’m not judging you. I just don’t want you to be blindsided.”
Without waiting for my response, she goes back to her book like I don’t exist. As I leave the house, no one notices me. I make a few turns at random places to make sure I’m not being followed and eventually end up in front of a small home I assume is Theo’s.
I park my car down the street before walking back. This better be Theo’s house.What if it isn’t?The curtains are closed, and the house looks well kept.
Maybe I should have had someone watching me, just in case. But then this would get back to the family. I’m left with no choice but to knock and hope this isn’t a trap. My feet feel heavy with each step I take. As I stand in the doorway, there’s a rustle in the bushes nearby that spikes my heart once again. Holding my breath, I knock. Three confident thumps echo around me, then I’m left to the silence except for the movement near that damn hedge.