The day ofMarco’s trial has arrived. I have a bad feeling. Nothing about today is right. My toast burned first thing this morning. We had no coffee creamer. Then when I put on my heels, the heel broke off within my first few steps.

I try to tell myself it’s my nerves. Which it is… but it’s not the nerves of Marco’s court date. I don’t care about the outcome of today. I want the truth to be found. If he goes to jail, it gives me more time. If he doesn’t, I did my job, and my father will be proud. Either are wins in my book. What’s bothering me is that Theo has been strangely quiet.

Stepping into the courthouse, I see Theo is in uniform and bypassing the metal detector. I watch him search for me, and I don’t get a smile or frown. I get nothing. My heart does a double thump. I shake off the odd feeling by keeping my head up and a smile on my face.

Placing my briefcase in the tub, I walk through the metal detector freely with no light or buzzer going off. My eyes follow each of Theo’s steps, and I wish I had a second alone with him. I need to feel his hands on my hands, his lips on my lips, to assure me that everything is fine. I need to know we’re still Theo and Aria, and we can overcome everything. I’m forced to watch his retreating back.

Recalling my meeting with Marco, he swears the gun was planted on him. Would Theo go so far as ensuring I don’t get married by putting him in jail? I’ve seen his protective side before, but I can’t see him crossing the line. He’s adamant about doing everything by the rules. He didn’t even want to give Lori’s mom the rehab lie. I grab my briefcase with shaky hands, my steps feeling heavy as I come closer to the courtroom.

Walking into the room, I search for Theo once again. His face stays straight, never looking my way. I hope for a secret smile, something to make the chill I have warm.

The day is long and tiring. Theo takes the stand when he’s called. With him being the arresting officer, I’m forced to examine him. When questioning, I have to keep my face stoic, and he does the same. He sits straight, his eyes cold, hating me and my side of the room. We share no secret smiles. There is nothing pleasant underlying how we speak to each other. I hate it. Theo makes an effort to look in the opposite direction of me at all times unless I’m directly talking to him.

As I cross-examine him, he becomes flustered, angry. My heart drops as his story doesn’t match up a hundred percent of the time. By the end of the day, we prove it couldn’t have been Marco. I should be happier getting my first not-guilty verdict, but I feel sick over it.

Theo hits the exit door with more force than needed while the other side files out, and I’m congratulated by friends and family. Marco hugs me, and it feels wrong. He goes to kiss me on the lips, and I move my head just before, so he kisses me on the cheek.

“Thank you,” Marco tells me, squeezing my hand. He looks genuinely appreciative. This is a rare moment; there’s no animosity flowing between us.

I nod, unable to even say “you’re welcome.” The words feel like acid on my tongue. I allow everyone to start leaving before I pack up.

The day is warm for the start of April. When I leave, the steps are empty, with everyone planning to have dinner together at my father’s favorite restaurant. I’m left to myself.

With Mancini dead, the war has quieted. There’s a struggle for who will take the boss role, leaving us without the worry of any retaliation. For now. Lifting my face to the blue sky, I want to know what went through Theo’s mind. The man on the stand was not the man I have come to know and love.

I don’t get five steps out the door before Theo is pushing me around the corner. No one is back here as he shoves me into the wall. He’s breathing rapidly, his nose flaring, and he looks angry. Angry at me.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, confused.

“You!” He jabs a finger into my chest before placing his hands on either side of my head.

“Me?” Theo has always talked about helping the innocent. How he wants to make the world a better place. I was trying to do that. He’s the one who changed the rules on us.

“I was trying to make our lives easier. I wanted to fucking be with you, Aria. This is why I tried to pin a bullshit crime on Marco. For us.”

I stand speechless. “You know this is my job.” Out of everyone, Theo should understand this. He lives for his job.

“A job you didn’t even want. Marco is a fiancé you don’t want. What about me?”

“I love my job.”

He scoffs. “And what about Marco?”

I step into him, trying to wrap my arms around his waist. “I love you, Theo. Marco will never change that.”

“Be with me. Leave this all behind.” For the first time today, his eyes soften. His brown eyes plead with me.

My heart hammers, and my stomach drops. I want that, but it can never happen. When I accepted the job from my father, the only way out now is death. That’s why he allowed me to make the choice.

“The one way out of my family is in a body bag, Theo. You’re asking me to commit suicide.” My voice trembles, and I try to kiss him. My lips graze his strong jaw when he refuses to meet my lips.

He’s silent for a moment, the air chilling around us. “What of me then? I want all of you.” His hands drop from the small of my back before a deep sigh rips from his throat.

“You have me.”

“No, Aria, I don’t. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t love the daughter of the man who killed my father. I can’t love you when you’re a part of the mafia that I want to burn to the ground. I can’t split my life in two like this anymore.”

I gasp, my hand flying to my mouth. Could my father have killed his? I want to dispute it, but I can’t. I have no evidence on either side. “We can’t make this about our fathers, Theo. I thought you lovedme,” I argue, but my words sound weak to my own ears. My heart rate speeds up, and I should warm, but it has the opposite effect. My body shivers uncontrollably.