Ihold Ariatight in my arms. I’m plagued with thoughts on how I can keep her. There is no doubt Marco will be arrested in the following days. I’ve tried to hold out, waiting for his trial, but my patience has run out. I can’t stand the fact that he thinks she belongs to him when she is mine.
My fingers capture her chin and bring her lips to mine. I gather up her long dress in my other hand, my fingertips touching her skin underneath. When I’m around Aria, nothing matters but her. Her lips, unbelievably soft, pressed to mine. My tongue sweeps in, and her tongue licks into my mouth.
I quickly rip her panties off, wanting her to be naked underneath for me. Cupping her ass, I place her on the boardroom table in the middle of the space. My fingers circle around her sensitive flesh on the inside of her thigh, teasing. Her body naturally moves to my touch, trying to lead me to where she wants. My lips go to her neck, wanting to feel her pulse on my lips. I kiss my way down as my fingers play with her folds before dipping into her already wet pussy. My other hand sits flat on the table as I lean deeper into her. Hers circle around my neck, and her other forearm helps her lean back without being flat on the table.
Her nipples push through the fabric, scraping against my dress shirt. The scraping teases me for what’s to come. I feel like I turn into an animal when Aria is nearby. I want to ravage every part of her. What’s different from then to now is that this intense feeling stays with me even when she’s gone. I want to be with her at all times.
“I’ve never claimed to be a saint, but you,il mio peccato(my sin), will destroy me,” I rasp into her ear. She wiggles from under me, making those beautiful moaning sounds only I get to hear. The room is lit enough I can almost make out the smile on her lips.
The party echoes around us, and I wish I could kiss her in public. I wish she wasn’t planning on marrying someone who isn’t me. I grip her hair, yanking it toward me while biting down on her neck. The need to mark what’s mine is strong. I want people to question who she was with, even knowing it could get us both killed.
She moves her head as I increase my pressure but moans harder. That’s my girl. Aria Rossi has corrupted me. I was once an honest cop. I looked down upon people like me. I strived to ruin their careers, but now, no one would hold me back if it meant keeping her safe.
She is more addicting than heroin. Without her, my life would crumble. Yet being with her adds to the cracking glass under my feet. In the end, I’ll fall no matter what. It’s just a matter of if I can catch myself before the fall and how deep the shards cut as I hold on.
I want to savor this moment but know we don’t have long. Dropping to my knees, I spread her thighs apart, moving her dress away for an unobstructed view. Perfect glistening lips greet me. I lick her from her entrance to her clit, circling around the sensitive nub. I take my time, even though I know we have a time limit. My dick swells with each lick, wanting inside her.
Only when I have her whimpering my name do I let go of her to undo my own pants and shrug off my suit jacket.
Aria is flushed and panting as I free myself. I stroke my cock twice before aligning my dick with her entrance. I plunge into her fiercely, another reminder that she’s mine. I still deep inside her, welcoming how fucking fantastic she feels. Her velvet walls hold me tight, and each stroke adds to my building orgasm. I slam into her, her hands having to hold on to me. Her fingers scrape at my neck, causing me to hiss through my teeth. Looks like I’m not the only one who wants to mark their territory. The thought builds my pleasure. My balls begin to tingle.
“I love you,” she cries out with a moan.
I pause momentarily, unsure if I heard correctly, before thrusting back into her. I kiss her like my life depends on it and wonder if her confession slipped out accidentally.
“I love you, Theo.” There is no denying she meant what she said.
Switching up my rhythm, I go slowly, dragging my body down her clit. “I love you too,” I confess.
Staring at her wide gray eyes and pouty pink lips, I begin to worry about how I can make this work. Before I have much of a chance to think logistically about our situation, I’m coming inside her at the same time she’s back to clawing at my neck as my mouth muffles another of her orgasms.
We’re both breathless. My heart is pounding against my ribs. I can’t help myself—I kiss the pulse on her neck, sucking on it before kissing it one last time.
“You leave first. I’ll follow after a few minutes,” I say.
She nods before standing and leaving the room. I straighten myself up, running my hands down my face as I blow out a deep breath of air.
Ask me a year ago, and I never would have found myself in a situation like this. I’m torn between two sides of my life. I never thought I would do anything to jeopardize my career.
Leaving the room, I get a few feet before I hear Grant’s voice at my back. “Where did you go? I’ve been looking for you.”
I turn, and his face flashes a frown before it disappears with his regular smirk. “Looks like you got mauled by a bear.” His hand goes to touch my marks, and I slap it away.
“Was it Aria?” he asks as we walk back into the room and look over the crowd. “She must have a magical pussy to capture your interest.”
I resist the urge to punch him in the face for talking about Aria that way.
“If she’s that good, I’ll take a round or two once you’re bored with her. I want to see—” I punch him square in the nose. I don’t even see it coming until my fist connects with his face.
“What the hell?” he hollers, his face dripping with blood.
I’m impressed he didn’t go down. Grant is one tough motherfucker. Looking up, I see the room has stilled, and everyone’s eyes are on me. I watch Aria look wide-eyed before Marco walks toward her, and security comes our way. Ignoring the guards, I look back at Aria. I can’t take my eyes off her.
I need to.
I want to.