Marco lets go of my hand, and then I smile. I watch the room, mesmerized by the beauty of the dresses on everyone. Gia is with Alfonso, dancing and smiling away like the perfect couple they are. I know each time my father watches her that he wishes I had that.

I do envy her. She can openly dance with the man she loves. When they kiss, it makes the parents swoon and others envious. The man I love is the sworn enemy.

When Theo walks into the room, the crowd parts for him. Women eye him with fuck-me eyes and lick their lips. He has this cocky swagger that draws your eyes to him. My feet want to walk to him, but I’m forced to cement them to the floor.

“Aria,” my father greets me, walking up with the governor from Texas.

I dip my head, giving my shy smile before greeting them. “Hello.” Introductions are unnecessary. The governor had dinner with us just last month as we ironed out a few clauses in the union contract that’s up for renewal this year. In a normal year, he wouldn’t be involved, but he’s using it as a platform. In the end, he makes money, we make money, and everyone is happy.

The governor takes my hand and kisses it. “Congratulations on your new role.”

Theo eyes my skin where the governor’s lips touched. The selfish side of me likes Theo is watching and gets jealous. I want him to want me; I want to tempt him. Trying to keep my satisfied grin off my face, I respond, “Thank you, sir.”

Stealing a glance around, Theo is leaning against a side wall. His expression is fixed on me, with a magnetism that pulls me and pushes everything else to the side. The crowd is forgotten, and my heart beats wanting to close the distance.

My father steps into my view severing the connection to give me a kiss on the cheek as he leaves, but two other men replace him. I’m once again congratulated. I have a revolving door of people around me at all times. It’s impossible to catch a moment to breathe before my hand is placed into someone else’s and I’m back to making small talk.

The entire time I’m working the room, I know where Theo is. His scowl never leaves his face. It may look like he’s glaring at me, the newest associate with blood ties to the mafia. But I know it’s the fact that other men are kissing my hand, my cheek, and flirting with me.

I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if our relationship was out in the open. Once my family settled down and left him breathing, I think they could see the positive side of it. With Theo being a cop, he might be able to help or persuade people who might have a hard time seeing our side. It would look good in the sense that I can’t break the law. I might as well be with a cop.

I could even help Theo. When someone gives him trouble and he can’t fix it, my family can. Together, we can make our city a better, safer place.

Finding a moment, I excuse myself, needing a second to catch my breath. Heading to the washroom, Luna stumbles into me while fixing her dress. “Your lipstick is smeared,” I tell her, using my thumb to wipe below my bottom lip to show her where.

“What can I say? I’m better with a gun than lipstick.” She smirks at me.

Once again, I find myself jealous of one of my sisters. “Careful, you might find yourself promised into a marriage,” I caution her.

She shakes her head. “We all have different uses, Aria. That’s not one of mine.” She walks away with her hips swaying seductively, leaving me to wonder what she means.

“You’re too beautiful to frown.” Theo comes toward me from the shadows. I’ve never seen him this dressed up. He looks sexy as hell in his suit.

“You know this is a black-tie event. Typically, people wear tuxedos.”

“Since I’ve met you, I’ve discovered I like bending the rules.” He looks me up and down, his gaze lighting my skin on fire.

“Is that so?” I arch my eyebrow. The tension around us is growing as we both stalk each other, waiting for the first one to pounce. This game of cat and mouse intrigues me.

“Did you get the flowers I sent to you?” he asks.

I purse my lips. “Marco didn’t even seem shocked that I got flowers from him when I thanked him.”

Theo invades my space. “You better not have thanked him.” This is the aggressive possessiveness of Theo’s I thrive on. I swallow, allowing the flutters in my chest and tightening of my belly to take root.

“What type of fiancée would I be if I didn’t?”

Theo growls, hating that I’m still engaged. I’ve tried more than once to get out of it.

“You could arrest him again,” I purr into the crevice of his neck. Even with my heels, Theo stands tall before me.

“Trust me, when he goes to trial, he’ll be staying in jail for a long, long time.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I get jealous of everyone not having to hide their relationships. I would love nothing more than to dance with you.”

“Dance with me now.” He takes my hand, leading me away from the ballroom, into a smaller meeting type of room.

Shutting the door behind me, the music can still be heard from the ballroom. He brings out his phone, and music spills through its speakers. When he pulls me in, we slow dance in the dark. Our feet turn in a small circle, and I rest my head on his chest. The moment is perfect. I can breathe easier being held in his arms. I wish we could stay Aria and Theo forever. But when we walk out of this room, I will become Nicoli’s daughter, and Theo will be the cop trying to place my father behind bars.