“There’s a small rodeo in town with carnival rides.”
My skin warms at his thoughtfulness. We pull into a large field where everything is set up. Buzzers, laughter, and children screaming take over the area. Theo buys us a few ride tickets. The first one I lead him toward is the Ferris wheel.
Theo’s arms stay wrapped around me the entire time we stand in line. The sun is shining brightly on us, and no one knows who we are. As we get to the front, the wheel stops, and a couple is let out before we step in. The cart wobbles as we step inside and keeps a slight sway as we go higher up. Fields can be seen for miles.
I feel lighter at this moment than I have my whole life. “Fuck, I love that smile of yours.” Theo leans in, kissing me. “This smile makes it worth it.”
I giggle at his attention. It feels freeing. “This is perfect. I needed this.”
“Oh, the day has just started. Rhett Steel is playing here, and I plan to dance with you the whole time.”
“He’s a country singer, right?”
“Are you even from Texas? He’s a homegrown boy from around here. He’s promoting his new album Whisky Moments.”
“Not sure if you noticed, but I’m not a country girl.”
He looks me up and down. “You would make one hot cowgirl though.”
The ride doesn’t last long enough for my liking, and Theo is leading me toward an old-fashioned donut place. We walk around hand in hand, sharing the sugared pastry. He grins down at me when both of our hands reach for the last piece. His handsome looks burn a hole in my chest.
“You have it,” he offers.
I break it apart for both of us to eat. When we finish, he tosses the cardboard plate into the garbage.
He’s staring at me, his brown eyes holding me still. He leans into me and kisses the side of my mouth before his tongue slides out, outlining my bottom lip. “Missed some sugar.”
Standing in the middle of a field with people all around, music begins to play, and a male voice serenades the airways.
Theo grabs my hand and tugs me closer to him. “This is how we should be.”
I’m thinking it too. His broad chest sways firmly against me. I don’t doubt that Theo was meant to be mine. It’s impossible for any other alternative. We match each other perfectly. My heart has never beaten so hard for anyone. I’ve never felt like this, and I know this feeling will never be duplicated.
Theo’s looking at me with hooded eyes. My lips part, and my breath hitches as he tugs me impossibly close. Our feet have stopped moving, neither of us making an effort to step away. We breathe each other in, no longer hearing the music in the background. Suddenly, it hits me.
I love Theo.
My heart stutters at the realization. I wait for a cold chill to seep into me, but it never comes. My cheeks glow, and I become hyperaware of how close we are. My smile grows larger, enjoying our moment of dancing in the middle of a crowd and not caring.
“You keep looking at me like that and I will not be able to be on my best behavior any longer. I’m holding on by a thread here.”
“I like it when you lose control,” I say breathlessly.
He nips at my earlobe. “You were made for me, Aria, and I’m having a hard time compartmentalizing what to do with you.”
“Kiss me.”
Theo wastes no time pressing his lips to mine. I wish this day could last forever.
Christmas and NewYear have passed with January in full swing. The day of my party to announce me as the newest counsel on my father’s team has arrived. A large ballroom is decorated completely with everyone wearing tuxedos and ballgowns. The room is filled with everyone who is someone. There are politicians as high up as governors. The police chief. Billionaires, from all types of enterprises, as well as my family. Everyone is here to celebrate me.
Katrina faked being sick and is the only one who should be here but isn’t. I suspect it has to do with wearing a dress that would reveal her bare arms. Or maybe it has something to do with Marco. I’ve watched her frown each time he’s mentioned in connection to me. I won’t let her ruin my moment by not wanting to celebrate it with me.
I feel like an angel bathed in red. Marco takes my hand entering the ball, and all I can think about is wanting Theo to arrest him again. Marco’s hand is rough, cold, and he holds my fingers too tightly. Everything about it is wrong.
“You just need to hold my hand for first impressions, and then we can go do our own thing,” Marco states, irritated. He hates I refuse to give him any of my time unless forced to. I don’t even try to smile. I’ve voiced my opposition to my father many times, only for it to be ignored. According to him, I still need a husband. So, if not Marco, who? Each and every time he asks, I feel like he’s baiting me, trying to unravel Theo’s and my secret.