He laughs. “A little bedroom action gone wrong?”

“Just come over. Walk in, since I can’t let you in.”

“How naked are you? Should I keep my eyes closed?” he razzes me.

“I’m completely dressed, fucker.”

“So, you have blue balls. You didn’t even get to the good part.” He laughs harder.

“Laugh now, but once I’m uncuffed, you won’t be.”

“You do have a way of pissing off women. It amazes me each time I see it. Who was the chick? Could it be a black hair beauty, with a scary father?”

Irritation prickles my skin, and I try to suppress my annoyance. “She’s no one you’d know.”

“Scared she’ll dump you once she sees me?” The thought that he thinks he can have her has me wanting to lash out at him. I go to run my hand through my hair, and it catches on my post. I stay silent, and he laughs harder.

“So, you like this one then?”

“Shut up and help me.”

“On it, but you owe me now.”

Grant takes tenminutes laughing at me before he even attempts to find my cuff keys. By then, my bedpost is scraped to hell and my wrist feels like it’s on fire from the constant pull on it.

“We need to get to Frank’s,” I say as soon as I’m free, picking up my gun. Grant stands around just staring at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Frank the drug dealer?”


“What have you gotten yourself mixed into, Fox?”

I stop my moving around and turn to him. If I thought he wouldn’t back me up, I would have never answered his phone call. “Will you help me?”

He shrugs. “Might as well. You know, when I called you, I just wanted to see if you were up for a beer. Who knew you could be this fun?”

“Shut up.”

He chuckles again as we leave my house and take his car.

We park behindAria’s car. No other cars are around. Leave a nice one like hers out here for too long and you’ll come back to a carcass of a vehicle, with all of its parts ripped off to make a buck.

“You know that car?” Grant eyes it, trying to place where he may have seen it before.

“I’ve always had your back, no matter what. Even if I didn’t agree with what you were doing, right?” He raises a brow at my question. “This is one of those times I need you to have mine.” Now, I have his attention. Playful Grant is gone. I’m left with my take-no-shit partner.

We walk up the stairs, and a few junkies are already moving down. They bump into us with no regard, trying to escape the area. I pull out my gun as we walk closer to the sounds of yelling. Each step, I’m thinking the worst and blaming Aria for her impulsiveness. Coming to an open door, I do a quick search of the room. Aria is arguing with Frank while trying to help Lori’s mom up. Judy Brown is so high she can’t stand on her own two feet. Everyone else in the room is too drugged to do much but sit like vegetables.

I watch Frank dip a knife into some liquid before stalking toward Aria. She’s too distracted to be ready to fight him off. All I can think about is another blemish on her once-perfect, smooth skin because I couldn’t save her. My muscles tighten, and my body warms even in the cool air. Giving no warning, I aim my gun at Frank. Out of habit, I remove the safety a fraction of a second before my finger presses down. I watch as Aria turns to see what the sound was at the same time I pull the trigger. Its sound booms in the room, echoing off the walls.


Iwatch thebullet leave the chamber of the gun. It happens so fast I don’t even have time to scream. Frank falls to the ground as if he were a bag of concrete pushed down. His body twists unnaturally with a thud. Blood seeps out of him, covering the floor.

My eyes collide with Theo’s, and the intensity of his stare is like he’s burning my soul with his glare. His irises are mad and unnerve me. The room is silent, and we stand knowing we’re both crossing boundaries that neither one of us ever desired to. Yet, my body is calm because he’s near.

“Aria,” the raspiness of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. He’s not happy with me. There’s a storm burning in him, and I can already feel him sucking the fight out of me. I did what I had to do for my family. It was the right thing to do.