“You hiding from Theo, or Marco?”

Turning my head, I see Lori is coming to sit with me.

“Both. Everyone,” I sigh out. “Is Katrina acting weird to you?” Katrina hasn’t been herself lately, and it’s getting worse.

“No, but I rarely see her.” She pauses, thinking. “Well, there is this one thing. I didn’t want to say anything, but when I dragged my mom away from Frank’s drug house, I swear I saw her there.”

“She was probably just buying some weed,” I say, even though in my heart I know it’s a lie. My father will kill anyone who gives us drugs.

“Frank only sells the hard shit,” Lori says quietly, and for a second, I’m not sure if she actually spoke.

“I’ll get Luna to look into it.”

Her hand rests on my leg as she sits. “I bet Theo could find out for you too.” Her voice is soft and laced with teasing.

“Lori, this is family business. Theo isn’t part of that circle and never will be.” I hate the pout in my voice that I can’t hide.

“He’s here though. And I bet it has nothing to do with the invitation your dad sent.”

“You don’t know that.”

“You can lie to yourself all you want. We both know it’s true.”

I scoff. “Then he has a death wish.”

“I have to go back to helping your mom. I said I’d help serve. My mom ran too high of a tab with Frank again.” Lori brushes off her skirt as she stands.

“Lori, all you need to do is ask, and I’ll give you the money.”

She taps my leg with her shoe. “You’ve already done that too many times for me.”

Closing my eyes, I wait for my heart rate to go down before I venture back to the party. My brother is gathering everyone’s attention, making it easy for me to slip in unnoticed. I stand on the outskirts, awaiting his announcement.

“Aly and I would like to announce that she will be bringing in the next generation of Rossis!”

My mother gasps, looking happy as hell as she makes her way over to give them both a hug.

“I suppose you’ll be next after you marry that tool over there.” I jump at Theo’s low timbre.

“That won’t be happening.”

“Good, because I don’t share.” He’s looking intently at me. The green imperfection in his warm chocolate eyes has hardened and become protective.

“Technically, it’s Marco sharing with you, I suppose.” I give him that sweet, sassy smile of mine, studying his reaction.

“Have you fucked him?” he asks with a growl, his features becoming like stone.

“Hell no.” I roll my eyes. There’s no way I would let Marco touch me.

“Keep it that way,” he grunts. He looks out toward the party in our house, probably storing all the information he can get from us.

“You never did show up at my house.” His voice is softer than it was before.

“Tearing my house apart ruined that.”

“I want to see you again.”

“Is that why you accepted my father’s invite?”