I don’t know what has come over me. One minute, I’m thinking of how much I hate the man in front of me. The next, I’m sassing him and encouraging him to touch me. I fucked him knowing I’m promised to another man.
I’m to be this perfect daughter, unblemished. I’m not that girl, never have been. I try to be what everyone hopes for me.God, I try. But then I go do something like this. With Theo, we thrive on how tainted we make one another.
He gives me this light smile that has me smiling back at him. The sun is shining past my curtains as it becomes morning.
He bends down, kissing me. It’s like his lips gravitate toward mine at every opportunity they find.
“Sorry for the mess.” His smirk grows as he stands back up.
I don’t believe that lie for a second. My finger touches the end of one splatter before rubbing it between my finger and thumb.
“You’re gorgeous right now.”
I go from looking at his mess back to him. “You better clean this mess up.”
“Or what?” He crosses his arms and widens his stance. This look used to intimidate me, but now I find it sexier than hell. The confidence this man radiates is overwhelming.
“I’ll make you lick it off me.”
He laughs, his eyes crinkling around the edges. “Aria, let’s get this straight. The only person tasting my cum will be you.” He winks, irritating me once again.
A part of me clings to the fact that I will be the only one tasting him. Does this mean he won’t be seeing anyone else? Are we together?We can’t be together.My father would murder us both.
“But because you had a rough night, I got this.” He picks up his shirt and begins to clean me.
He isn’t bothered that he’s dirtying his own shirt. I can already feel my body stiffening.
“A warm bath should help with the soreness.”
All right, who is this Theo, and what happened to the original one? The Theo I’ve met isn’t sweet and doesn’t say nice things.
“What’s with the look?” he asks, putting his pants back on.
“Will I see you again?”
“One time will never be enough. Come to my house tonight?”
I nod. I have no idea how I can make that work without getting caught, but I’ll try.
He checks his phone in his pocket. “I have to go. My boss has been calling and messaging me for the last hour.” He pauses, looking like he wants to say something else. “You’ll be okay if I go?”
“I’ve been taking care of myself long before you came into the picture. I’ll be fine. You go before someone finds you here.” I smile at him, and he’s out on my bedroom balcony before I fall back into my bed.
There is no question I’ve complicated my life way more than I need to. But will I survive it?
After taking abath and getting ready for the day, I walk down the stairs toward our kitchen. With each person I see, I wonder if they know I slept with Theo. I feel like my face betrays my sins. One look and my family will see. Not only is Theo not who I’ve been promised to, but he’s a cop. Agoodcop. One that wants to take down my family.Oh hell, what have I got myself into?
“Aria,” my mother greets, giving me a warm hug. “Are you okay?”
She pushes me out of her arms and studies me.This is it. She knows. If I come clean first, they’ll take mercy, right?
“You’re pale.” She puts her wrist to my forehead. “No fever.”
“Mom, she was held at gunpoint last night. She’s not like us. That must have traumatized her,” Luna says, walking in and going straight for the fridge.
“That bite looks rough,” Katrina says. She’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. I keep getting the impression she’s annoyed with me and can’t figure out why.
“Thanks for noticing.” I tilt my head as a headache begins to form. When did my family get so judgy?