I shift my weight from one foot to the other. I hear no steps coming to the door, and I’m about to check out what the hell is near the hedge, when a squirrel jumps out, with a cat right after it.
Then the door swings open while I’m watching the damn wildlife in the neighborhood.
Theo is standing shirtless in jeans. I roll my eyes, pushing past him, wanting to get inside before someone recognizes me.
“Typically, when you invite someone over, you have clothes on.” This man irritates the hell out of me.
“From your reaction the other day, I thought you liked this version better.” He brings his hand up above his head to lean on the doorjamb. His stomach ripples with muscles as he puts himself on display.
My tongue almost laps out before I bite down on it. “I don’t like any version of you.”
He chuckles, moving to take a seat on a couch. It leaves me standing in the foyer, looking awkward. He pats the seat beside him. Crossing my arms, I glare at him to the best of my ability. This would go a lot easier if he had a shirt on.
“Thought you wanted to watch me delete the video?” He has a sexy, cocky smirk on his face that I want to punch off.
Hesitantly, I sit near him on the couch. He shuffles closer to me, his leg touching mine as he leans closer to show me his phone. His arm brushes me, and his crisp bodywash wafts up my nose. Ever so tauntingly, he brings out the video, and his finger presses the Delete button. We’re so close his arm hairs tickle my skin.
“Are you trying to get both of us killed?” I ask afterward, moving away from him.
He turns his whole body to look at me. “This is going to help the two of us.” He’s not talking about the video anymore. My foot wants to tap out an SOS pattern. I shouldn’t be here. The other side of me wants to be able to show my family I can help them more than they think I can. “I want Mancini arrested and interrogated. You want him gone as much as I do. To do that, I need your help.”
“Why me?”
“You’re the one person people would least expect. And I have word… Mancini wants you for his revenge. Either you help me and I help you, or Mancini kills you.” His eyes look fierce, wanting to reach his end goal. It makes me wonder what caused this man to be so rough around the edges. I already have a feeling this will be a horrible plan for me.
My hand wipes across my face, my fingers digging into my eyes. “I’m not going to like what you’re about to say next, am I?”
“If you’re as boring as I’ve researched, nope. But you never know—it might inspire you.”
My fingers tighten, wanting to wring his sexy neck.I’m not boring.My whole life, I’ve been pegged with that stereotype.I know how to have fun.I can’t help that I’m responsible.
“What are you risking in all of this?” I glare at him.
“My reputation.”
It seems hardly fair. “What do you want me to do?” I ask to humor him. Wanting to use the information to throw it back in his face.
“Mancini is planning on trying to kidnap you. We will organize it so I’m watching. I’ll make sure nothing goes off plan.”
“What do you think his plan is?” My body shivers at the idea of finding out if the rumors about him torturing people are true.
“He’ll take you to their warehouse.” I’ve heard of his warehouse before. This is Mancini’s favorite place to torture people. It’s by an old expired oil refinery. “I’ve never known him to go anywhere else. Problem is we haven’t been able to catch him red-handed. My team will be there ready to bust him red-handed.”
The idea is tempting. Casualties would be nothing on our end. Their men would take all the risk. I can’t think too long about my danger. It causes my stomach to roll with anxiousness. This isn’t me working for the cops. Rather, I’m manipulating them to do our dirty work.
The whole time Theo is explaining my part, I keep thinking,How did I get myself into this?His plan is valid; we’d both get what we want. At what point do I say what I’m doing isn’t right? Deep in my gut, I know if I can’t do this, there is no way I would ever be ready to join my father. I want to advise him, even if the thought scares me. By doing this, I’ll prepare myself for the life of a mob lawyer. Or worse, it won’t be for me. I’ll take a job away from here and start my life. Is that a fairy tale of mine? Or am I doomed no matter what?
“What if this doesn’t work?” I watch his eyes warm slightly with the worry laced into my question.
“Then you’re fucked.”
My face drains of blood. Theo places his hand on my leg, and I stare at it. His warmth radiates into me. It feels like all my body heat escaped with his plan. “I’m half kidding. I don’t fail when it counts.”
His statement doesn’t make me feel better, but the prospect of eliminating the Mancinis is too great. Even my father hasn’t been able to do that yet. “After this, don’t contact me ever again. I promise I’ll kill you myself if you do.” I’m pissed off he would involve me. Pissed off that I’ve accepted. And pissed off I want the recognition of doing something amazing.
“Why, Aria Rossi, are you threatening a cop?”
“No. You don’t get to play that game right now.”