“Aly Mancini, the lost princess,” a guy from school says, walking up to me. He’s been hanging around Jonny and his crew.

I’m conscious of the dark we’re standing in right now. Cars line the area, but everyone is inside. I should have gone into the house with Jonny. No, I should have stayed in the car and locked the doors. Better yet, I should have stolen the car and taken myself home.

“How is it you’ve been left here by yourself?” He checks around before grinning at me.

“Jonny will be back any second.”

He glances to the house, then back at me. “Naw. Rumor is his girl is fucking someone else in there. Jonny likes to take his time showing he’s the boss. It’ll be another hour ’til he’s back. I’ll keep you company ’til he returns. The dark isn’t a place for a pretty girl like you.”

My chest tightens, not liking how he’s staring at me. He comes right up to me, his hand playing with the loose piece of hair that fell out of my messy bun. It probably is a mess, since I have two pencils keeping my hair up in place.

I want to step back but don’t want him to know I’m nervous. With how he’s checking me out, he would thrive on my insecurity. I’m uncomfortable, my body screaming on the inside.

His other hand comes up, making me flinch, even though I tell myself not to. He chuckles, taking the pencils out of my hair one at a time. My hair softly falls past my shoulders, with kinks that make it seem like I attempted to curl it, which I didn’t.

“On another thought, maybe the dark is the perfect place for us,” he rasps, his nose grazing my ear.

“I think I see Jonny.” I step back, bumping into the car behind me. My eyes search the darkness, hoping for anyone I recognize. My spine stiffens as I realize no one would notice if I screamed. No one would notice I’m gone.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of you while we wait. No need to be shy. I see the way you watch guys like me. I’ll give it to you as good as you give.”

My heart stills. I want to scream for help, but it’s like I’ve forgotten how to open my mouth. White-hot fear digs its way further into my core, making my body tremble.

“Get the fuck away from her,” a deep voice orders in a harsh tone—one I learned a couple of years ago belongs to Luca Rossi.

My heart pounds faster. He shouldn’t be in our territory; the repercussions could get him killed. With the pounding in my chest, it warms my heart that he’s here and is saving me. The tug of war on my heart and mind is constant when I’m in his presence. Since the moment we met when I was sixteen, he’s popped into my life when I least expect him. Maybe that’s why I stayed outside, hoping to see him again. I shouldn’t have thoughts like this. He’s the enemy. Jonny wouldn’t think twice about killing him here in front of me.

The guy takes a step back to turn to our intruder. “This doesn’t concern you. Leave us.”

I hear the click of the gun before I can see it. “If you don’t step away, I will shoot off your dick. If you so much as look at Aly again, I will cut your dick off while you sleep.”

“With so much dick talk, it sounds like you’re coming on to me. I’m not interested. Now go, before I find out who you are.” Both guys stand strong, testosterone escalating each second that passes.

For a moment, the other guy stands tall, not backing down. I watch Luca, his fingers dancing up and down, reminding me of how they would move over piano keys. They’re itching to grab his gun, wanting a reason to use it. The strange warm sentiment from him being here to protect me runs through my body. I should hate him, but I don’t. He’s mean and intolerable, yet kind and gentle with me. It’s like my mind can’t decide what he is.

Luca moves his jacket, showing his gun. His hand rests on it, daring the guy to match his move. The coward scoffs, turning to go into the party, leaving me alone with Luca. Our eyes connect for several seconds. His body is stiff, his brow arched as he glares at me. His lips are scrunched, leaving a little opening that allows for short breaths. His thumb absently brushes the black metal of the gun in what could be an attempt to calm his anger before he speaks.

My heart beats its typical strong rhythm in his presence, but not because I’m frightened. It’s entirely from the way he’s watching me.

“Are you trying to cause trouble?” he berates me, his gun moving to scratch the side of his head.

“Me? I was minding my own business.”

He scoffs, his ocean eyes moving up and down my body. “Maybe if you stopped wearing those skirts, he wouldn’t have wanted to fuck you.”

My skirt goes past my knees. Double-checking, my hands slide down, searching for the hem. I have to arch to the side slightly, and my fingers still can’t feel it. Yup, past my knees.

“My skirt is hardly the reason.”

His presence is starting to annoy me as he takes on this “I’m better than you” tone. He steps into me, grabbing hold of my long black hair. “This hair is too much. It reminds men that they can hold onto it while they fuck you. The skirt is another reminder that all they need to do is bend you over. And those plump red lips makes them imagine what their cock would look like in your mouth.” His reasoning is the most chauvinistic answer of mankind.

“Are you talking about men in general, or you?”

“Trust me, you don’t do it for me. I see the way you lick your lips for my attention. I would have had you already if I wanted.”

Luca is the most irritating, self-centered man I have ever met. My hand itches to slap him, wanting to see how he would react.

“Don’t even think about it, little bird.” That nickname drives me crazy every time he uses it.