I’m not stupid. He would have killed me by now if that was the plan. As I see it, I have two of the most infamous mafia families watching out for me. I’m untouchable. I let them all believe they’re pulling the strings, when in fact they do everything I want. They can keep calling me a silly girl, when the truth is, I’m smarter than them.

My phone rings between us, and he snakes his hand into my purse and pulls out my cell. His eyes turn cold, seeing Jonny’s name on the screen.

“It’s my brother.” I try to grab my phone, but he keeps it above my head. I watch him decline the call. “That’s going to bring him here. We Mancini’s are stubborner than hell.”

He grunts before he continues rifling through my purse. I hate this man in front of me. In fact, I think I hate all men. Every person in my life tries to control me in whatever way fits them best. Maybe that’s why I’ve excelled at my job. I’m familiar with how they think, what they want, and allow them to believe they’re getting exactly that.

I never want to be in a man’s control, and because of that, I refuse to date. I’m always the bridesmaid and never the bride. I will walk through fire to not be someone else’s property. Falling in love is a guaranteed way for me to lose my independence and to be muted forever. I would much rather set people up, watch them be happy for a night, and line my pockets with money.

Once he’s done searching for whatever he thought he might find, he hands me back my purse.

“We should have a bet to see if you’ll still be here by the time Jonny comes. My guess is a bullet to the heart immediately.”

He glares down at me. Giving me the attention I thrive on, causing my heart to pound and creating a sensation that it wants to implode. I never understood this reaction to him.

“Shoo, run away,” I taunt him more, even though I’m curious what would happen if they met.

“You disrespect me, and I will spank your skinny ass so hard your future children will feel it.” His rough voice causes goose bumps to shiver down my body. He lifts a cocky eyebrow, all while his eyes stay hard and cold. I have no doubt he would spank me until my ass bled.

I try to rein in my frustrations and become the meek girl they all think they can control, while I begin to think about how I can get rid of him. I have no use for his protection. Not that I ever did. But I’m bored with this game we’ve been playing for years.

Chapter 8


AlyMancinicausesmethe most headaches in my life, and I’m a sniper. I want to strangle her with the way her dark-gray eyes challenge me, the way she sticks her nose up at my presence. All while my dick reminds me that I want to fuck the shit out of her. Every time I see her, I leave frustrated and angrier than when I appeared. She needs to be taught a lesson in gratitude. The problem is she has a chip on her shoulder and refuses to acknowledge what people have done for her.

I have to remind myself that the reason I keep her around and tolerate her shitty attitude is because she didn’t rat me out all those years ago. There will also come a day that I’ll need her. She will be her father’s downfall. She is his weakness, and yet for a smart girl, she is blind to his affection.

War is coming, and she will be what protects me. I almost laugh that she actually believes I am her protector. Walking away, I don’t go far. I have a mental countdown as to when Jonny appears to see if everything is okay with precious Aly. I watch him in competition with her, and it’s fucking humorous. He competes with her for their father’s attention. Each time he is forced to check in on her burns a hole of jealousy into him.

The fact that she thinks her side gig is invisible to the world shows how naïve she truly is. I’ll give her props that she built this from the ground up all by herself. But there is a reason why her girls are safe and never had an issue before. Dear old Daddy and I would bust anyone open if they disrespected her or her business. When you have mafia who are willing to kill you if you wrong her, it’s easier to be a gentleman.

“Why the hell did you not answer my phone call?” Jonny barges out of his car, his sweet soon-to-be bride, Milana, beside him. Interesting, my little bird interrupted their date.

He puts his hands on her and starts dragging her to the car. I have to bite the inside of my lower lip to not give him a piece of my mind. All in due time. I’ll enjoy ruining their family.

I step away before I do something stupid like rip Jonny’s hand off for touching what’s mine and head back to my territory. I need to set up anyway. My body tingles with excitement, and I’m uncertain if it’s from seeing Aly or the anticipation of shooting someone.

She’s grown up well. No longer in her awkward teen years, and she’s really embraced her inner sexy librarian persona. It’s hotter than hell. My cock grows harder thinking about me sticking it in her mouth to shut her up. I can tell she’s attracted to me but fights it every step of the way. She’s falling into my plan perfectly. What would old Pierre Mancini say when he finds out his daughter has been crushing on the enemy for several years?

Checking my phone, I see everything is going as planned. Once again, the Mancinis have set up shop on our corner. Not just that, our last gun shipment was confiscated by an anonymous group. Funny how the Mancinis seem to have all my new guns.

Chapter 9


“I’mnotachild,”I tell my brother, who grunts while holding me tightly. His fingers pinch into my skin as he maneuvers me where he wants.

“If you had picked up your phone, I wouldn’t have to come get you, and now I’m late.”

He pushes me into the back of the car. I don’t think Jonny ever had a time where he wasn’t upset over something. “Just drop me off at my house,” I direct him.

“Who wears a pencil skirt and a silk blouse when doing yoga?” He eyes me suspiciously.

“I was doing paperwork.” Crossing my arms, I refuse to meet his stare in the rear-view mirror.

“Well, you’re going to have to come with us now. I don’t have time to be late.”