“Instead of an engagement celebration—”Here it comes. My eyes sweep the crowd once more, finding my father. Every muscle in his body is rigid, ready to strike like a snake. Coy is now beside him, equally angry. “We are celebrating a union blessed by God. Please welcome my new bride, Aly Rossi!” He kisses me again, his lips strong. My body shakes, unsure how the crowd will receive our news.

Braking apart, the Mancini side have all stood up, but no weapons have been drawn yet. They were probably all taken away before they could enter. Wise—I have no doubt there would be a gun show in here.

On the opposite side of my father is Luca’s dad. He’s smug, his eyes right on his enemy, my father. My stomach rolls like I’m going to be sick. Deep down, I hoped our wedding could become a truce, but right now, all I can see is revenge from the two major Italian dons in the area. It’s now I realize that I will only ever be a causality of war.

My chest rises and falls, my eyes casting down with the roar of my blood rushing through me. The crowd is silent, waiting for someone to applaud or do something. All eyes bounce between us and our fathers, waiting to see if they make a move. The pressure builds in me, and I need to escape. I take a step back. Luca’s hand slides behind my back, pulling me beside him, refusing to let me go. Slow clapping begins, starting at Luca’s father and trickling into the crowd. The fake smile on my face hurts as I expect some sort of retaliation. It frightens me to the core, knowing my father refuses to lose and the fallout from that.

Luca says a few more words before he leads me back down onto the dance floor. The moment his grasp loosens, I escape, needing to be away from all eyes. Turning to the side toward a door, my hands slap it as I push it open. Luca is on my heels; I can feel him with me, and noise begins in the ballroom. Breaking away from the ballroom, I see an open garbage can. Running toward it, I throw up everything I’ve eaten today. He stands, holding my hair, his other hand circling my bare back.

It feels too kind, when I’ve embarrassed him, making the situation worse.

“We need to go back in there, and I may have to do some business now that the news has been given.”

Work.Everything is work; every action is something for the family. I’m starting to realize you can never do anything for yourself. It’s always what’s good for the family.

“Luca.” My father’s voice comes from behind us, along with a bunch of other footfalls. “You have stolen from me once again.”

My husband stands up straight, unafraid. He’s never afraid.

“I was hoping you would see it as gaining a capable son.” His voice is laced with danger and hatred.

“Are the rumors true—you killed Jonny when he came out of hiding to protect his sister?”

“I don’t think my wedding reception is the time for that type of business.”

Luca takes my hand and drags me back to the party. My head is swimming. The other dons come and give their congratulations one at a time while handing us an envelope of money for a gift.

“You look like you need a drink,” Salem says as she takes a seat beside me, and I watch Luca greet the men who take all his attention.

Even though I’ve met Salem recently, I feel like we have a connection and she is someone I can trust. Leaning my head on her shoulder for a split second, I respond, “You must have read my mind.”

“Well, you are the talk of the night,” she tells me. I don’t think she’s referring to the fact that this is my wedding reception.

“Come on.” She stands, tilting her head toward the open bar.

Even as the bride, we have to fight our way to the front. I order a vodka soda, needing something harder to deal with all the emotions running rampant in me.

“You okay? You’re a little pale.”

I touch her arm. “I just need some fresh air and a moment alone.”

“I’ll cover for you.” She nods toward the one bodyguard who is practically glued to me. She walks up to him and hands him our drinks. “We need to go to the ladies’ room.” Then she walks away, and I follow. As soon as we round the corner, we take off running.

With the help of my friend, we find an exit that leads to the side of the building. “I’ll meet you at the bathrooms, and we can walk in together,” I tell her, escaping into the night.

The air is chilly but refreshing. It allows me to take a deep breath and hold it in my lungs before I let it go. Tilting my head up, the stars shine bright, reminding me that I’m a speck in the universe. The thought helps calm my nerves, knowing there are more important things happening in the world than my marriage.

“Have I ever wronged you, Aly?” I recognize it’s my father beside me before he steps into the light and shows himself. “I thought respecting your mother’s wishes was for the best. But now…” I turn to him. He’s sighing and shaking his head. “It seems I was wrong. You’ve tarnished the Mancini name. If you were anyone else, I would put a bullet in your chest. Did I not love you enough?”

“It has nothing to do with your love. I love him.”

His head rears back like I have slapped him. “You need to choose. It’s Luca or your mother.” His voice is eerily calm and smooth, making goose bumps skate over my skin. “I’ve been to see her, and she is asking for you, but the doctors don’t think she will live past this year.”

Guilt eats at me. The nausea sits deep in my stomach. “Come back to me, Aly, and all will be forgotten.” He grabs my hand, placing a kiss on my knuckles.

“I’ve already said my vows.”

“They mean nothing until there is an heir.” His voice grows stronger, and I can tell he’s trying not to lose his temper with me. He slips something into my palm and then closes my fingers around it before kissing my fingers.