“We will meet soon, Aly,” he says before he even has a chance to tell me the real reason for his call. I hang up, my body hot and beginning to sweat.

Chapter 28


Everythingiscomingtogether.Our “engagement party” is all set up, with every important don and family coming, just as I knew they would. They all want to see whose family is stronger than the other.

I can’t wait to see Mancini’s face when he realizes his daughter loves me and chooses the Rossis over him. It will be the ultimate revenge for my family. My father will be able to show everyone that he is smarter than Mancini, and that I, the adopted son who everyone looked down upon, is now one of them and better at it than they are. This is retaliation for Mancini killing my two innocent friends, my cousin Pauly, and everything he has done to my family.

Coming into my bedroom, I watch Aly put on a pair of earrings I gave her. She’s stunning in a white dress that dips so low in the back you can see the dimples that sit above her ass. It wraps around her neck and dips just low enough in the front to make you want to see more. She is stunning. Her dark hair has a slight wave to it, and she is wearing bright red lipstick.

Coming in from behind, I place my chin on her shoulder, staring at the two of us in her mirror. My olive skin is a complete contrast to her pale, creamy flesh. “I want everyone to see how much I love you tonight,” I say in a low, gravelly voice. I’m honestly getting everything I ever wanted. I couldn’t be happier. I even find my lips tilting up higher than normal and laughing. I no longer have the urge or compulsion to stalk and kill like I had before. She has grounded me in a way I never thought possible.

“You are stunning.” I turn to give her a soft kiss on the cheek. She smiles at me, but the brightness in her eyes has dimmed. I’ve been waiting for her to bring up the fact that she wasn’t allowed to see her mother, but she hasn’t. Part of me is disappointed that she hasn’t confided in me. But our relationship is still young. We have the rest of our lives to grow with each other.

I plan to give her another gift after the world learns she is mine. I have been able to make some moves so her mother will be able to come live here. It has not gone unnoticed how important she is to her, and I want her to be happy. I can’t wait to give her the good news. Although, I doubt Mancini will go down without a fight once he realizes I have stolen his mistress away from him too.


She turns toward me. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” There is a shakiness to her voice that I don’t like. But I try to understand. Tonight is when she will do her final stand against her family. I can’t imagine what must be going through her head.

“You will be safe no matter what.” I try to ease her mind, kissing her on the forehead. I hold her in my arms, loving how she fits perfectly, like the lost piece I had no idea was missing.


Thebackofthelimo is dark and cold. My nerves are splitting while Luca appears calm beside me, his arm around my shoulders. I can’t get warm, even with Luca’s heat radiating into me. I wish I could be as unaffected as him. When I look up at his shadowed face, I instantly feel love for him. Tonight, I’ll be forced to face my father, and facing him terrifies me. His retaliation to the news I’ve married Luca frightens me to the core. I have become incredibly entangled with the two families, and I feel like they’re both pulling me down like seaweed. It’s hard to keep my breath, when each time I move, the harder each one pulls. But then Luca gazes down, and it’s like he’s breathing life into me, but it only lasts for a brief second. If I sink too far, will Luca be able to save me?

I hadn’t realized that I was staring at his chiseled jaw until his hand cups my cheek, the rough pad of his thumb stroking my soft skin, as he asks, “You finding the answers you’re looking for?”

His features are sharper than normal with his five o’clock shadow. I remember seeing him and being so intimidated once upon a time. I tried not to show how frightened I was of him. Now, he is nothing short of gorgeous. He’s tender—and vicious, but I’m no longer scared. I like seeing his two sides. It reminds me of a strong man, who no one dares to go against, but get him alone, and he is the most loving person there is. He feels deeply, his emotions running high. His refusal of allowing it to be seen heightens it when he does allow what is going through him to be apparent.

“You’ll always love me no matter what, right?” I ask. His fingers cup my jaw. He’s searching my face, probably trying to determine what I’m thinking.

“I never let go of what’s mine. You will be a part of me ‘til death.”

It’s his way of trying to show me how far his love goes. The limo stops, and I take a deep breath. When we walk in, everyone in this room will know Luca kidnapped me, but the real show will be me proving to them that I love him.

“’Til death do us part,” I repeat our wedding vow and lean in to kiss his lips. This kiss is chaste and unlike all our other kisses. Luca’s only signal that he is just as nervous about tonight as I am.

The twenty steps to the main doors seem like a mile. We are both quiet and on edge. Luca opens the door, music floating toward us. Every single eye is on us, with the guests already seated at their tables.

The lump in my throat sticks as I attempt to swallow. Every important family is here. Tension in the air is high. Excitement gleams in everyone’s eyes, but I don’t think it’s to celebrate our so-called engagement. I suspect that once the real news is announced, the “party” will truly begin.

Luca squeezes my hand as we step forward together, united. Searching the faces, I find my father. His eyes are narrowed at our hands being intertwined. He’s always had the power to intimidate me. I can’t help but feel like a young child, even though I’m an adult.

Luca leads me to the dance floor with our audience and pulls me in close. Being protected in his arms, I can breathe easier. The rest of the room is silent. A pin dropping would be heard, even over the music. My ears are on alert, listening for anything that doesn’t sound right. Luca’s men are also watching the crowd, with a close eye on my father to guarantee everything goes well.

“Try to relax and enjoy our moment. No one matters but the two of us.” His low, husky voice is at my ear, and he nips my lobe, making me smile. Taking a deep breath, I try to will myself to relax. I try to forget about the hundreds of people watching us.

The song ends, and Luca dips me, much like he did on our wedding day. Just like that day, he lays his lips on mine. The open affection startles me, but my body welcomes his touch. It responds in habit of kissing him back. I can hear the gasps from around the room, some chairs scraping against the floor.

When Luca brings me upright, I’m breathless. This man can kiss. I could do it all night. I’ve easily gotten lost in him just from a single touch of his lips. My skin flushes, realizing we are on display. My father is standing at the edge of the dance floor, his face red and angry.

His aggravation has never been directed at me before. Still holding my hand, Luca is leading me to the podium. This is the moment. The moment I am most afraid of.

“Good evening,” Luca greets everyone, his voice steady and strong. “Aly and I are incredibly blessed to have you all attend our special evening.”

We watch over the crowd, becoming aware that the truth is about to come out in the next second.