“Cheers.” I raise my glass to hers. I have to remind myself I have gained family and friends by marrying Luca. I’m so used to being by myself that I forget what it’s like to have so many people around. Everyone is trying to be helpful and welcoming. I should feel blessed.

Luca doesn’t seem happy with what Vinny is telling him. They stomp toward the house, leaving me alone with everyone else. I wonder if this is what his mom meant in a roundabout way. That I have to be flexible and understanding of their world. That even in times like my wedding, Luca can’t just be with me. He needs to share himself with everyone.

Vinnybetterhaveasolid reason why he pulled me away.

“We have a problem,” he starts as soon as we’re far enough away to not be heard.


“I need to show you.”

“I’m not leaving Aly alone. We just got married,” I say, exasperated that he would even ask.

“You need to see this.” He stands firm. I resist the urge to pinch the skin between my eyes. I want one day where I get to enjoy life with my new bride.

Aly is with Salem, and I feel more confident in leaving her alone. Aly needs a friend outside of the family, like what I have with Vinny. I’m happy they are getting along.

“Show me then.” I stomp back toward the house when I would rather be enjoying the day with my wife.

A box is on the table, and Vinny points to it. I open it up, and it’s lined with plastic and blood. Opening the lid farther, there is no question that the parts in the box belong to my cousin Pauly. The family ring still on his finger confirms it.

I should have killed him when he let Aly out of sight. Instead, I’ve been too busy entertaining her and not allowing her to leave my view. Who knows what they were able to torture out of him? I wonder if this is a sign that someone has found out that she is my weakness, or if it’s the Mancinis sending a message; maybe it’s a little of both.

Even with all these thoughts, the guilt starts to creep up. I try not to acknowledge it. My heart is racing, and I have to control my breathing. Have my actions led to my cousin’s death? Just like when I was young and my friends were killed in front of me? It reminds me all over again why I married Aly. I am taking away something Mancini loves and making it mine.

Chapter 27


Lucahasbeenworkinglong hours since the day of our wedding. I’ve been informed that we have an engagement party that will become a surprise wedding reception in the next couple of days. Once again, I’m helpless in that he’s making all the decisions, and I’m the wife who waits for him.

I overhear some of the men talking about all the big Italian families being invited. Hope blossoms in my chest. Maybe this is the start of the Mancinis and Rossis making amends. Maybe this means I won’t have to be cooped up in the mansion. I can start coming and going as I please.


I stop typing on my laptop when Luca comes into the room. His demeanor is stiff, causing me to worry.

“What’s wrong?” I stand up immediately. Luca is always so abrupt, but this is different.

“How are your girls?” he asks, referring to my business. He has probably already placed a bunch of stuff on my computer, so he knows what I was doing. I’m not some naïve girl who thinks he gave me everything back and wouldn’t be checking in on me. Maybe he noticed the email in my spam. Another email telling me it would soon be my time. But time for what?

“They’re good,” I say cautiously.

He tilts his head, scrutinizing my answer like he doesn’t trust my response. Then he nods before he walks around his room.

“Why do you stay in here, when you could be out?”

“No reason other than I like your window.” I like watching the comings and goings of the house and the way the sun shines brightly into his room when the curtains are held back. “Can I go to my office?” I ask.

“My men can take you.” It still seems like something is on his mind and he’s struggling to say it. “I also got word that your mother is sick.”

My heart jumps into my throat. “I need to go to her.” I’m already gathering up all the things I need from the room.

“It could be a trap.” Luca’s voice is soft. “My men will go in with you to be sure.”

“Why don’tyoucome with me?”

His hands cup my face. “I wish I could. I have too much work.” He kisses me on the forehead, but his lips are cold. They don’t have the warmth they did a day ago. It worries me.