Iawakentothesound of Italian chatter from Cecilia and Violetta who helped me try on wedding dresses. The sun is just starting to hit me in the eyes, making me squeeze them tighter. With a groan, I roll over, hiding my face into the plush pillows. Breathing in, I can smell Luca on the sheets. My arm goes out, wanting to hide in his large frame, hoping to get a few additional minutes of sleep, but his side is already cold and vacant.

“We have your dress,” Violetta singsongs. Along with being identical, their voices sound almost the same too. I can hear more of the blinds being opened, the vibrant pink and yellow sky shining through brightly.

“Up you go,” I’m told. Huffing, I turn over, my eyes attempting to open. The sharp contrast of dark and light makes me blink a bunch of times before they can stay fully open.

A replica of the dress Luca cut off my body is hanging beautifully in the middle of the room. My lips immediately curve upward, remembering his face when he saw me in it. I knew he liked it.

My door opens again, and all of Luca’s sisters come barreling in. Gia jumps on my bed, looking all dreamy. “You’re getting married today!” The other three are standing around, already with dresses on. Pulling my covers to my neck, I remember I’m still very much naked underneath. They’re all standing there, expecting me to get up.

“Ah, can you give me five to get dressed?” Everyone either smiles or snickers, but no one leaves. They simply turn their backs.No boundaries—got it.

Standing, I quickly put on panties and a bra before I slip on one of Luca’s shirts and a pair of shorts.

“Done—” That’s all I get out before the women all start talking amongst each other, while I’m shuffled to where they want me.

I’m nervous and jittery. With me never dating, I never thought about my wedding day. No one else ever spoke of it either. I don’t have expectations for this day. As all the Rossi women crowd around me, determined to make me perfect, my heart pangs for my own mother. Growing up, she was my best friend. She should be here.

“Will my mom be in attendance?” I quietly ask Luca’s mother as she puts my veil in place. All the other girls have left, needing to be at their designated spot, leaving the two of us alone.

Sympathy swarms her eyes as she says, “It was too much of a risk.” She pauses, holding onto my hands. “You are becoming one of us now. Luca puts on a strong front, but he’s had a hard life. You have the power to destroy him in ways no one else can. If you do that, I will destroy everything you love. It’s the mother’s job to protect what is hers, as it will be your job when you have children. Mafia women need to be resilient; we are the backbone that makes everything flow. Without us, the small details would crumble. The foundation of our empire would breakdown into nothing. Our job is the hardest, because there is little recognition, but it is also the most satisfying job there is. I will never take the place of your mother, but I will love you the same as all my children. I will protect everyone who comes under that umbrella.” She lifts my veil and kisses me on both of my cheeks.

Everyoneisoutsidewaitingfor me. Luca’s father offered to walk me down the aisle, but I declined. It didn’t feel right. After all, I am giving myself away. I like the symbolism of it all. The doors open to their backyard, and music flows lightly around the grounds.

There is a lush green archway where Luca stands. Beautiful, delicate white flowers are dotted throughout. The grass is soft with each of my steps. White flower petals lead my way as I walk toward my soon-to-be husband.

The Rossi family all watch me, but I can’t pull my eyes away from Luca. He’s standing stiff but with a real smile poking its way through. His blue eyes pierce my soul; they shine with knowledge and warmth. He’s breathtaking. Luca has no mask in place, showing his emotions as I walk toward him.

His suit fits him perfectly, stretching across his broad shoulders. I can already feel him pulling my heartstrings. With each step, he gets a better grasp on it. Tears shine in my eyes, and I’m taken aback by the emotion that clog my throat. I have to turn away for fear of crying.

Aria is standing up as my bridesmaid, and a man named Vinny is standing with Luca. The rest of the family is in the front row, as there are no others. There are no chairs. It’s very intimate. As I come to the end of the aisle, Luca steps toward me, taking both my hands.

“You look amazing,” he leans down and whispers in my ear.

The man in front of us begins the ceremony. “Luca, repeat after me. I, Luca Rossi, take thee, Aly Mancini...” The words fade to the background. I find myself still entranced with Luca. I note the pause at the obey part, and Luca puts pressure on my hand, reassuring me. His eyes crinkle. It all makes it sound like I’m Luca’s property. I keep telling myself the words are not what’s important. It’s the fact that we love each other, and will honor each other, ‘til death do us part.

Luca is staring at me, his words sounding every bit as serious as his face looks. His tone is strong and clipped.

“Aly, repeat after me.”

I nod. My voice doesn’t carry as well as Luca’s when I say my part. My hands tremble, but not because I’m scared. They tremble at what a big deal this is to me. Seeing Luca take this seriously makes me love him even more.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” the officiate says.

Luca steps into me, seizing my shoulders, and kisses me. His lips mold to mine, his tongue sweeping in as he tilts my body into a dip. Bringing me up, he leans in. “I love you,” he murmurs before we turn toward his family standing out in the yard.

Flutes of champagne are handed out, and everyone cheers for our new union. Luca and I cheers, our glasses clinking together. He still hasn’t lost his seriousness. After taking our sips, he takes my drink, passing it on to one of his sisters. His hand splays down my back, leading the way before he begins dancing with me. He’s a talented dancer, much better than me. He holds me strong as he moves us in smooth, elegant movements. It feels perfectly natural to be in his arms. Placing my head on his chest, his heart thumping heavier than normal, I allow myself to get lost in our bubble. It’s my favorite place to be when nothing else matters but us.

By the time we finish, his family has taken a seat, watching us. There are a few round tables off to the side, where we will be having our lunch. Luca leads me to the tables, placing me beside Vinny’s wife.

He stands, shaking Luca’s hand, before they step away to have a conversation I can’t hear.

“I’m Salem,” Vinny’s wife introduces herself. “I’ve been told I’m your new best friend.” Her voice is sweet. She and Vinny are the only nonfamily invited.

“Did Vinny say that because he’s best friends with Luca?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink.

“Luca informed me the day after he bought you flowers. Sorry we’re just meeting now.” She means well, and I smile at her.

Part of me wants to fight it and demand that Luca can’t determine who my best friend will be. I shut down my insecurities, believing my husband means well, but I hate feeling like I’m being controlled.