I stay silent, expecting an explanation now.

“When I got married, I gave her a gold necklace. It was a small token the night before. It was my grandmother’s, then she had something old for the wedding day. She thought it was sweet and repaid my kindness.”

I grunt, walking away. Tomorrow, Aly Mancini will become Aly Rossi. I go stomping toward my range, needing to clear my head.


Luca’ssistersarethesweetest. The youngest one, Gia, does my hair as a practice trial for the wedding. It’s beautiful. She is seriously talented with hair. Luna is painting my fingernails, while Katrina paints my toes.

“I knew Luca would eventually marry you,” Gia says.

I wasn’t expecting anyone to say that. “Why would you think that?”

“You were the only girl he would follow around,” Luna adds in, sounding dreamy.

“He once put your face on his target. I knew then,” Katrina says, laughing.

“We hated each other,” I try to clarify.

“Naw, you were more like Romeo and Juliet. Luca just needed a justification to keep you,” Aria responds. Gia is smiling, looking lovestruck as we talk about Luca and me.

“You realize they died in the end, right?” I question.

Aria merely shrugs, while Gia responds, “You both are too serious for your own good.”

“What would you know about love?” Aria asks Gia.

She blushes, turning her head. “Nothing. My marriage was arranged when I was born. I’m not allowed to date.” It doesn’t sound convincing at all. Aria raises her eyebrow, making her sister shrink away.

I feel bad for her, so I add in, “I first met Luca when I was sixteen. But he also threatened to kill me.” Shrugging, my mind instantly goes to that day. I can still see him perfectly. Those bright blue eyes that hold me captive.

“Couples that slay together, stay together?” Aria pipes in, laughing.

I smile, liking the saying, even though it’s not accurate. Luca and I happen to be unlikely hearts who found each other. He’s never let me down. He had the power to set the bar for me, even though we hated each other. Even amongst all that, I always believed he had a good soul. He’s shown it to me in his unique way for years. He is the one man to ever make my heart race. At the start, I thought it was because I was frightened of him. My heart even raced when I thought about him. But soon I realized what I was feeling was anticipation.

Chapter 25


OnceLuca’ssistersleave,I’m left alone to my thoughts. I have no idea if Luca will come back to his room tonight. I miss my mother. I’m starting to realize the girls who worked for me have become my friends, and I miss them. I’m lonely. Tomorrow will be my wedding day, and the only person there, truly for me, will be Luca.

This day has come up so fast I almost don’t believe it, and my stomach flutters excitedly. Without a doubt, I want to marry Luca. I like the idea of us being like Romeo and Juliet, but in the end, we better get our happily ever after.

If my family were able to see that, maybe we could rewrite the future. Luca’s family is accepting of it. Or maybe that’s because they think they have the upper hand.

Resting my head on the window, I watch the stars high in the sky. Cars have been coming and going but don’t stay long. I wonder what Luca is up to.

When I have given up on Luca coming to bed, our bedroom door opens. It doesn’t have the force behind it as it normally does. I sit up, half expecting someone other than Luca.

He cockily walks in, wearing dress pants, his dress shirt wide open. His eyes are vibrant, telling me he’s excited about something.

“You ready to become a Rossi?” he asks me. Keeping his eyes on me, he takes off his shirt, expecting a reply.

“I’m ready to become your wife and for everything that comes along with it.”

I can’t go back home anymore. That would be a death sentence. Becoming a Rossi has started to give me hope. I feel protected and love it here. His family has welcomed me with open arms. When it comes down to it, I feel cherished and special, a feeling I never want to let go of.

“I have a gift for you.”