OneofthereasonsI like living in an apartment is the noise from all sides surrounding me. That constant strum of movement helps lull my mind when it runs too wild. Tonight, the world is void of sound. I check my hearing by running the faucet for a glass of water. My fingers tap on my glass. How is it that I feel guilty, when everyone uses me for whatever purpose they need? Yet, this gnawing feeling stays with me.

My skin is peppered with goose bumps that refuse to leave. I swear the temperature is ten degrees colder than normal. Closing my eyes, I start going through my mental checklist of what I need in here.

“Well, well. You are a survivor after all.”

My first instinct is relief; it seeps into my bones. But when I turn, there is hate in his eyes. Those hard, cold gray eyes wash the momentary relief away, leaving goose bumps on my skin.

Jonny isn’t here to protect me.

I know this Jonny; I’ve seen this version before.

“I thought you were dead,” I prompt, realizing I’m isolated and alone.

“And you planted yourself right in my shoes, ready to take my spot.”

My eyes snap to his, finding him coming closer. His devilish lips are straight, his pale, narrow face unremorseful. I never realized Jonny hated me this much. I never caught on that he was driven to remove me, the so-called thorn in his side.

“That’s not true.” I set my glass down, fear starting to eclipse my soul.

“You are the dead weight of our family. Cozying up to Coy, so then he would marry you. I never thought you would have the balls to repeat your actions with the enemy. Then play with both sides to see what suits your needs better. You’re the leech that sucks the good out of people. I’ve seen enough. This was a test, one you failed miserably. All while proving my father is no longer capable of ruling over the family anymore. He’s too old and soft.”

I look around to see something I can use for a weapon. When I bring my eyes back to my brother, I watch as they flicker with an evil type of happiness. One that thrives on hurting other people.

“This would have been so easy if you were shot on the steps, or if you stayed in the damn car.” My stomach turns in a hauntingly painful twist as I realize he was trying to get me killed. “Everything would have played out how I wanted. Me, the son coming back from the dead, and you would have been forgotten,forever. In all honestly, they should have killed your mother as soon as she tried to trap my father.”

“She did no such thing. She never wanted anything from him,” I defend her without even thinking about it.

“And yet, she is what divided their relationship. He had to protect you. His only daughter. His precious gem.”

My head is still foggy from hitting it on the ground. I knew Jonny never liked me, but I didn’t think he wanted to kill me. My stomach pinches, realizing we’ve come to an impasse.

He watches me as I look for a weapon once more, as he brings out his gun. I have a knife in a block that is closer to him than to me. My brother narrows his eyes, flashing with smugness, but he doesn’t smile. I watch him bring his gun out, goading me.

“Father loves you. He’s groomed you to take over,” I say cautiously, trying to make short movements he won’t notice.

He nods, his voice eerily calm. Much calmer than my own. “True. I’ve become wiser than him. When he is killed, he will realize he let his guard down too much. You were the start of that.”

“Why kill him?” He’s sounding crazy. I keep moving slightly, trying to stay out of the path of his gun.

“He likes his power. He won’t step down. He doesn’t think he needs to. If he did, I could accept him.”

“What about family values? Your mother?”

“She will understand. When he allowed a bastard child to live, he didn’t choose those so-called family values. Why should I honor them if he doesn’t?”

My door is kicked in with a booming sound. My heart soars, hoping for Luca, but it’s one of my brother’s men. I watch the intruder kick it back closed, but it doesn’t latch from his original unnecessary force.

“Luca has been dealt with” is grunted out.

Jonny nods, raising his gun. “Should I shoot you now? Or should I bring you to Coy? He’s crazier than me. No one has ever lived after two-timing him. Or should we stage it to seem like Luca killed you, then Coy killed him?”

Fear is firmly rooted in me. He sounds like he’s speaking the truth.

“Do you want money?”

“I don’t need your money, Aly. But I do appreciate all the work you did for it. I will be taking your business over. You have some nice young women working for you. I’ll have to test each one out. See if they pass the quality check.” He winks at me. “Hold her,” he commands his man. I try to run past him, but he grabs me hard, pulling my hands behind my back.

My brother is being arrogant, and he’s enjoying playing this out. I try to scream, but a large hand covers my mouth. I bite down on the flesh, tasting his blood. He curses and hits me upside my head. For the split second his hand leaves my face, I scream and yell, all while trying to kick him in the nuts.