Since Luca kidnapped me, I began to think about the static phone calls I’d been receiving and the notes that tried to spook me. I feel so disconnected from the world; I wish I knew if my girls were all right. I’m going to be losing clients soon with the radio silence I’ve been forced to give.

“Aly.” The deep voice doesn’t come from Luca. His body stiffens behind me. I try to turn, but Luca keeps me in place. Taking his time, he turns both our bodies, keeping me under his arm.

“Coy,” Luca remarks, his voice sinister, and the smile he gives would be described as deadly.

Their attention is no longer on me but each other. Even with the warmer air, I shiver. Luca holds me tighter beside him. The tension is so heavy I have no doubt one insignificant spark will produce an explosion.

“You have what’s mine,” Coy growls. Mafia men dislike when something is taken from them. Coy is no different.

Luca tsks. “She is by my side, kissing my lips. I would say she’s mine,” Luca counters, sounding cheerful.

My heart begins to pound, panicked of the outcome. The overwhelming heat pouring through me with Luca’s arm around my shoulders is causing me to sweat. My gut is telling me to move, to welcome the cooler air, but I know better. I take in the area. Luca’s friend from the car stands on the outskirts of the balcony. The constant chatter of the room has lowered, and several eyes have been pulled toward our quiet altercation. There is a war waging in both Luca and Coy’s eyes. Warnings flare vibrantly in my head. The sensations of crawling tingles prickle my skin. I’m forced to ignore the creepy, imaginary vibes of hundreds of spiders swarming my body, and I bite into my lower lip. I refuse to scratch the feeling off while staying in the safety of Luca’s arms. Even here, I don’t get the comfort I’m hoping for. His touch is too light, and his heat is too stifling.

Coy catches my eye. A mixture of anger, hurt, and betrayal shines through them, causing my stomach to drop. Immediately, I cast mine down to avoid it. Luca’s fingers dig into my shoulder, sensing that I’m starting to fall apart. It’s not that I feel anything toward Coy, but the guilt that I’m betraying my family hits me. It’s a feeling worse than being a rat and thinking you’re about to be caught. We’ve all been brought up with similar neighborhood values.Snitches get stitches.

I don’t have a side I belong on now. Does this make me the enemy? I’ve always listened and done what I was told—for the most part. I thrived on being told I was doing a flawless job. All of this is overwhelming and confusing. I have no idea where my loyalties lie.

If this makes me the enemy, then maybe this makes Luca more important to me.

“Come home, Aly.” Coy’s deep, rich voice startles me while I’m ranting to myself inside my head.

Luca loosens his hold on me as if daring me to go. Both men are staring expectantly at me, waiting for me to make my choice. Luca takes a step away, making it clear that I’m deciding myself without his influence. I swallow, my saliva thick in my throat. I’m almost scared I’ll choke on it. Luca’s eyes are a deep blue, their depths holding me in place. My heart picks up its pace at the intensity of it all.

I’m watched in deadly silence. Luca is calm, almost unaffected, while Coy’s jaw tics as he clenches. For all the years I have known Luca, he has never lied to me. He’s always watched out for me. Something has me not moving. Rolling my bottom lip in, I nibble on it, recognizing either way I am fighting a losing battle. This has nothing to do with love but with showing who has power. The toxicity of the air rises with each second, and I remain frozen. Chancing another glance at Luca, I see his eyes are on Coy. Swallowing sharply once more, I refuse to go with my promised betrothed. I can’t guarantee I would be safe.

Luca snickers, and I peek at Coy. He has this one vein in his neck that throbs when he’s angry. His face has a slight redness to it. He’s not happy. Coy takes a step toward me, and Luca steps in front of me. “She’s made her decision. I suggest you leavemybride alone.”

“This is far from over,” I hear Coy say. “We will be seeing each other soon, Aly.”

I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until Luca turns to me. His hand cups my face. I don’t know what he’s searching for. He must be happy with what he sees, because he places his lips against mine. This kiss is hard and demanding, like he’s trying to take my soul with his by the end of it.

“Let’s go,” he says as he pulls me into a hug. It comforts me once again like a safety blanket. My eyes fill with tears, and I hate that I’m showing weakness. I’m used to dealing with stress; this reaction is silly. I’m a strong woman. Yet, I’m exhausted from the altercation.

Holding my hand, he leads me through the crowd of people pretending to have conversations, when in fact their eyes are on us. I have this feeling of dread, like I’m being watched. Like this is more than a crowd of nosy gangsters. Checking over my shoulder, I see Coy is staring us down. Even when we step out, my body is aware I’m being watched. It’s the same feeling I’d been having over the last month before there was any talk of weddings.

Luca’s men are staggered outside and within our path as we head for the car. The same guy and girl are behind us, and I can hear the girl complaining that we just got here and she doesn’t want to leave.

The front is vacant. I half expected my father to be there once we stepped out. Along with my exhale, three cars rush in front. Tires squeal, and I’m frozen in place. Gunshots are being fired, and a bunch of men seem to appear in the street like they were hiding.

Luca throws his body over mine like a protective shield. I hit my head on the steps. My vision doubles, and it makes me fuzzy on what’s happening. My body is being pulled away from the open steps, my feet tripping over one another. Men rush around, scattering to where they’re needed. Luca’s smell clings to me, even though he’s no longer holding me, but I can still feel him nearby.

“Get her out of here!” His deep voice is full of rage. Turning my head, I search for his voice as he comes back into view. He places a kiss on my lips before someone is pulling me away from him. It’s a madhouse in the front. Everyone is shooting at everyone.

The guy from the car, who I wish I was introduced to, places me by some hedges. His girl is here too and is hysterical. I should be frightened of dying, but instead, I can’t help but think of my home, my sanctuary. The man’s back is to us as he shoots his gun. If I’m going to get away, this is my chance.

Taking in my surroundings, I’m aware the fog in my head is starting to dissipate, and I notice blood on my hands. Checking myself over, I don’t feel pain. Touching the hysterical girl, I wipe some of the blood on her by accident.

“Have you been shot?” I ask, making her scream louder. The man turns from his spot, trying to get her to quiet down. This is my chance. While he’s distracted, I sprint away.

I can hear him yelling at me and footsteps before gunfire erupts all around me. I’m shocked I haven’t been hit. I run as fast as I can. My lungs burn, my legs pumping, and I keep going. I don’t stop until my building comes into view. I must have run a mile. The only sound now comes from the hard floppy steps I take. My breath burns down my whole throat. I believe I heard that someone once died from running too hard.

I push the buttons on the wall, hoping someone will ring me in. I have no keys. Someone unlocks the door without checking. This is something I would normally complain about, but today, I’m relieved. Walking in, I see no one is around. I head to my private elevator. My feet want to slide out from under me from hurting so much. I punch in my key code, locking me inside my home, before I allow myself to slip down the wall. My feet pulse, each breath strained.

I sit there for a long time. It takes all my willpower to struggle and stand back up. I need water and to check my laptop. I need to be certain I still have a business. I should call my father, but something is holding me back.

Chapter 21
