I lean into her, so she’s the only one who can hear me. “Do most guys have you screaming out their name?” My fingers rest just above her cleavage. They lightly graze her skin for a moment. Her face flushes, pleasing me.

“You would know, since you stalked me.”

My eyes narrow on her. “Admit it—you liked it.”

She huffs out, frustrated with what I’m saying. My cousin’s voice is heard through the closed windows. He’s yelling at his girl, saying he told her he found her a new friend, so she didn’t need to bring another one along.

The car doors open and slam shut. Pauly must have won, because no one tries to get in the back with us. He pushes down the gas pedal, and our bodies jostle. I hold onto Aly, making sure she stays safe.

“Where are we going?” Aly asks no one in particular.

“My brother-in-law is being honored tonight,” the girl says excitedly from the front.

That’s right. Her brother-in-law works high up in the bank and is as dirty as a greedy cop. But he has access to millions of dollars. A lot of people use him to clean their money. We do most of our laundering with our many companies. But sometimes we make too much and need to go another avenue. He is on our side and is always willing to help—for a fee, of course.

His vaults hold shit that can’t always be documented. It’s like the hidden cave filled with gold that no one ever knew about. Stolen gems, gold, and paintings sit in his trust until the day the cops stop sniffing around you, to allow you to sell it to the right buyer.

The thing is, the bank is in Mancini territory. It’s an anomaly. The bank is like Switzerland, a neutral zone for all gangsters. No matter what, everyone is welcome. Although, not everyone uses the resource to their full advantage for whatever reason. I guess it comes down to trust.

Coming to the bank, the beautiful architecture is on full display under its white glowing lights. Stepping out, I give Aly my hand to help her. Vinny watches my back as he comes from the car behind us. I’m being cocky, showing up here with Aly. I can’t help it. I want them to see her on my arm, and there is nothing anyone can do about it. My bodyguards are in the other car, waiting outside on alert. With events like these, no weapons are allowed. Not even I can get a gun through the metal detectors.

“No matter what, do not talk to anyone here,” I tell Aly as we walk in. I want to see her reaction. She’s beginning to trust me, and I want everyone to see it. I’ve been able to do what her father has been trying to for years, and I did it in just over a week.


“Because I said so.” I pull her so our bodies are touching, resembling a lover’s embrace. “Disobeying me can get you killed. We’re walking into a roomful of men who wouldn’t think twice about putting a bullet in someone else to further their gain.” She visibly swallows, taking my warning seriously. “Good girl.”

The wind blows her hair out of place, and I move it behind her ear. My fingers skim her neck as I gaze down at her. My other hand moves from the small of her back to holding her elbow. I watch the light pulse in her neck pick up its pace. I want to mark her, for everyone to understand she is now mine. I want to destroy her in every way she has destroyed me. I’m starting to realize I won’t be able to go back to the old Luca after this, and it’s all her fault. Behind my eyes, a throb is starting to be felt as my anger rises at the situation, at her, and at myself for being so stupid to allow her in. I begin to question my empathy and affection that has taken root deep inside of me. She’s now like the etched tattoo you regret that’s inked on you forever.

Moving out of her space, I take note of how hard my heart is beating. Possessiveness consumes me, and no one is around to set it off. We finish walking the rest of the way in silence, and I don’t recognize I’m squeezing her too hard until she whispers, “My hand.” Her poor fingers are white from my hold. Releasing my grasp, I try to refocus.

Scanning the crowd, I immediately spot Coy and his father at the back of the room. They haven’t seen us yet. I don’t think anyone expects us to be out in public.

I walk us to the makeshift bar, ordering her a glass of red wine, just how she likes. And I have a whiskey on the rocks.

The son of the Russian mafia sees us, and his eyes light up. Even among the elite of the underworld, the other important families keep loose enough track of each other to see I’m taunting the Mancinis.

“I hear congratulations will be in order soon.” The Russian leers at Aly, and I hate it. I use all of my self-control to not knock him out. “It’s a pity we weren’t invited.”

I shake his hand. “There are too many Italians who need to be there.”

He laughs stiffly, giving off the vibe he believes he’s been disrespected. He shouldn’t, but this could be the tipping point if they perceive us Rossis as weak. They may try to overrun our family.

When he leaves our side, Coy is staring at us. He’s bad at hiding his resentment. There is no doubt he was just patting for the gun he isn’t wearing. Aly hasn’t seen him yet, and I use this to my advantage. Tilting my head down, I give her a soft kiss on the lips.

She doesn’t pull away, delighting me. She tastes like dry red wine and that unique taste that can only be described as her. My lips leave hers, and I enjoy the flush that begins to creep up her neck.

Leaning into her, I ask, “How is it that you blush when I kiss you, but you call yourself a madam?”

Taking a sip of my whiskey, I enjoy her glaring eyes on me, but she has a hint of a smile. Out the corner of my eye, Coy is starting to make his way toward us. Happy he saw the kiss, I lead Aly toward the balcony, where the light is dim.

Without being obvious, I check that no one is trailing Coy. He is falling perfectly into my trap. Aly walks to the ledge overlooking the city lights. Coming up behind her, I place my arms on the balcony beside her, caging her in with my body.

Chapter 20


HavingLuca’sarmsaroundme is a comfort I wasn’t expecting. I was caught off guard by the overwhelming nervousness I felt as soon as we walked inside and I saw people I knew. His warmth is what’s keeping me from shaking. Breathing in the city air, I try to focus on Luca, duplicating how he made me focus when teaching me to shoot. For once I feel like someone actually has my back for me and not the connection I have to my father. I have no doubt Luca would give his life for me. I must be losing my mind. Taking in another ragged breath, I push back into him, using his presence as a safety blanket.