“Information on what?” What I want to do is hit someone or, better yet, shoot him. Maybe in the leg, something insignificant but gets the message across.

“Mancini wants his daughter back. Coy paid him a lot of money to marry her, and he needs Coy’s connections.”

“Coy is the son of one of his top men. He already has the connections.”

“There is fighting among the ranks. There is a struggle between the top bosses. That’s why the marriage. To try to keep them tied together, to prevent an uproar. When Jonny died, people stopped looking to Mancini for the future.”

Interestingly, there is fighting in the family. In my opinion, that’s bad leadership. I could use this to my advantage. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours.”

“Thank you. Your kindness won’t be forgotten,” Vito tells me. I turn around, allowing Pauly to do whatever it is he does. One of the girls tries to catch my attention. My dick doesn’t even stir. But as soon as I start thinking about Aly and the way she fights with me, I grow hard instantly. That girl has a mouth on her. One I want to fuck, among everything else.

I go to wait in the car, disappointed in the turn of events. Hopefully, our next stop is more to my liking.

By the time I get home, I have blood on my hands. The metallic smell of bullets and guns clings to me. Instead of going to Aly, I take a shower in the guest bathroom, uncertain how she would react. I want tonight to be perfect. I’m in no mood to fight. I want to relax and enjoy her company.

By the time I’m standing in front of my bedroom door, I find myself oddly excited. The last time I felt this way was when I had my first Christmas with my new family. This time, I made sure she was given her favorite types of skirts. I’ve been thinking about her all day and can’t wait to see how her legs look in one of them.

Chapter 19


Openingthedoortomy room, I see Aly is standing watch out the window. Her long hair has a slight wave to it, and the skirt she wears makes her round ass look delicious. My chest does a strange sputter as I walk deeper into the room. I was expecting her to be waiting for me, or at least acknowledge my presence. When I clear my throat, she turns toward me.

She shoots me an evil glare, her red lips protruding farther than normal. This girl thrives on hating me. It gives her a place to put her frustrations. Folding my arms, my legs spread, I silently challenge her to come out with it.

“Smells like you washed the blood off your hands.” Her voice is so sweet, but I can hear the underlying venom in her tone.

Lifting my brow, I think,This is what has her panties in a twist?

She turns, giving me her full attention. She has on a tight sweater that accentuates her breasts and shows off her flat stomach like a second skin. Her legs have a silky-smooth shine to them, highlighting the way they go on for days.

“I’ve decided to let you roam the house from now on. You can stop plotting my death with your weak glare face.” My voice is rougher than normal. She is dressed exactly how I like. Inmyfavorite outfit of hers. She closes the gap between us, and I bend down, placing a kiss on her cheek before pulling back with a smile.

“How sweet of you.” Sarcasm drips from her tone.

“It’s the least I can do for my blushing bride.”

Her eyes darken, and what I wouldn’t do to see this girl flush crimson before me. To be able to see the vulnerability that lies in being shy and nervous from being in my presence. I want to be able to reach the softer side of her.

“You look creepy when you smile.”

“I always smile.”

This has her trying to fight one of her own. But her smirk says it all. She’s saying I look creepy all the time. I may think I want the softer side of Aly Mancini, but there is no doubt this sassy side of her is addicting, and I thrive off her.

“What bugs you more: the fact that you actually like me, or that you’re bad at pretending you hate me?”

Ignoring her eye roll, I take her hand, guiding her out of the room and the house, ending our conversation. She’s taking it all in, no doubt memorizing the layout.

My cousin is outside, waiting for us. He’s all smiles, thinking this is the greatest day. I’m normally all work and no play. I have a hard time sitting around when I don’t see a purpose behind it. I’m always thinking of how my actions can move me forward. If I’m talking to you, it’s because there is a need for it, not necessarily because I want to or I like the company.

I open the door for Aly, nodding for her to get in. I slide in beside her, so close our legs are touching. I like to fuck with her. She doesn’t squirm away, pleasing me. In fact, she places her hand on my leg. Her affection puts me on alert as I wait for her to say what she wants. Or maybe she thinks I’m soft with her, so she can manipulate me. I play along, curious anyway. My arm goes around her shoulders like this is our every day.

Pauly drives us to his girl’s house, and she has a friend waiting on the side of the road. I watch my cousin’s eyes go to the girls, then to me. He doesn’t say anything but jumps out of the car as soon as he puts it in park. Aly and I are right in the middle of the back, leaving no room for anyone else.

Instead of watching my cousin, I turn my full attention to the woman beside me. “You’re beautiful.” My eyes sweep down her body once again. “I’ve always loved you in a skirt.”

“That’s because you’re like most men,” she taunts, her eyes wide, her mouth set as if daring me to argue with her.