For as much as my mom refused to be in any man’s control, I seem to have done the opposite of her. My life now depends on the enemy, on Luca. And I’m worried once this wedding goes through, I will become the enemy of the family I always resented but now wish I still had.

The sicker my mother became, the more my father stepped up in small ways. Ways that I greatly appreciated. Maybe if I wasn’t so self-absorbed, I would have seen this happening right under my nose.

I shake my head, and the women take it as me saying no. The dress is pulled over my head, and another one is returned in its place. I begin to realize that I will never be able to get away from my family roots. I’ll always be a mob daughter. I’ll always be in some kind of danger. If I’m going to survive this, I need to be smart and kill before being killed.

I shake my head, and another one replaces it. The women coo at this one. Turning toward the mirror, my breath catches. I am stunning. This dress fits me like a glove already, no alterations required.

“This is the one,” I whisper.

The women behind me clasp their hands together, smiling at me like I’m family. It’s such a warm, kindhearted gesture that I tear up. These two ladies have shown me more kindness than most.

“You are going to make a lot of women jealous on your wedding day.”

I think they’re talking about my dress, but part of me believes they’re also referring to Luca officially being off the market.

All three of us are staring into the mirror when the door opens with such force it hits the wall behind it. Luca storms in, shouting, “Out!” making all of us jump. The whole moment is ruined, and I’m brought back to reality.

The women scurry out and shut the door silently, leaving a stewing Luca in front of me. His hair is out of place, like he’s been running his fingers through it. His features are sharp, his eyes a duller blue than before. I’m starting to learn that his eye color is his tell for the emotions running through him.

He’s changed and is wearing a suit. I’ve never seen him dressed up like this. He’s handsome on a normal day, but in this, he’s sexier than hell. He shaved since I saw him last.

I swear he growls at me, and I take a step back. “What are you doing?” he demands.

I’m confused, not knowing if he’s mad because I’m trying on dresses just like he requested. “Trying on wedding dresses?” I’m starting to think he’s gone crazy. He’s stalking toward me like a wolf. My whole throat contracts when I swallow, my heart beating heavily in my chest.

“Take it off!” he yells. I jump at the volume as fear starts to prickle my skin. I’m in way over my head. I’m not used to this life. I have a fleeting wish that I was brought up amongst the Mancinis. I’m underprepared for this new territory. I’m usually overprepared for everything. It’s why I used to study so much. It’s the reason why I aced every test ever placed in front of me. I stand with a tremble to my body, as I fear I will lose the one test that means the most in my life.

I watch as he bends down, pulling a knife out from under his pant leg. My feet stumble like they always do when I’m nervous. My lower half hits the bed before he’s towering over me. I watch in horror as the knife is raised. Squeezing my eyes shut tight, I think of my mother. I pray for the family I never had that includes my father and Jonny. I even put his younger brothers in for the mental snapshot of how my life could have gone.

Instead of the cold dagger ripping into my heart, I feel my dress being pulled back from my pebbled skin. The smooth metal slides between my breasts before being yanking up once again into the fabric. My torso is pulled with each yank, and it takes all this time for me to realize the knife was never meant for my heart. My hands hold onto his broad shoulders, trying to steady myself. His face is set with determination with each sweep of his sharp knife that cuts the dress away from me.

The cold air that sprawls across my chest gives me the kickstart I need. I’ve never been one to back down. I’m silent when it works in my favor, but I’ve never been truly weak.

“What the hell are you doing?” I try to push him off me and succeed when he pulls the dress away from me completely, leaving me in my panties.

His hand wraps around my throat as my breath heaves. We’re standing toe-to-toe.

A smile quirks the side of his lips. One brow lifts as he admires my body. I suck in a breath, watching his eyes fill with lust. I become painfully aware of the erection poking into me from his slacks.

His other hand’s fingers drag down the side of my face like a feather. It’s gentle, almost soothing, much like a lover might caress. I have to remind myself that these are the hands of a born killer. I can see it in his eyes that he wouldn’t think twice about snapping my neck. But then his facial features soften, making him appear younger than normal.

His fingers trail down to my chest and circle around my pink nipple. Even without him touching it, they both become strained and taut.

I’m wet with arousal, and it confuses me. This man I hate, he is the enemy. Even though his hold is on my neck, he doesn’t squeeze tight enough to hurt me. His motions are rough yet patient and smooth. It makes me feel warm and protected. I must be seriously messed up in the head if I’m feeling attracted to this type of behavior. Everything about this is wrong and makes me feel like a traitor. Traitors get killed. Everyone lives by that code.

His hand cups my breast, and I have to stop myself from leaning into his touch. His jaw relaxes, and a genuine smile is placed on display. It makes his suave, panty-dropping expression lethal. I have no doubt he’s used to getting anything he wants with this face. It’s hard not to melt to his every command.

“I’m going to make you feel really good. This is just a teaser of what our wedding night is going to be.”

“I will never fuck you,” I sneer just as he plunges two fingers into me. My panties a useless barrier. They’re easily moved to the side.

“Your body says otherwise.” I fight closing my eyes as his fingers stroke my inner walls with precision. “You see, everyone might see this innocent little nerd. But I see an empowered, sexy woman who can manipulate our world to fit her needs.”

His words clutch on to my heart. When I bring my eyes up to him, a gateway opens, and I allow him to see deep into my soul. I watch as he crouches down, and his fingers part me. I’ve never had anyone go down on me like this before. His hot breath washes over my clit, as natural as if we’ve been lovers for years, and my fingers glide into his hair, his thick strands sliding between my fingertips.

His tongue licks me lazily, and a moan leaves me; my eyes close, enjoying this sensation. Long forgotten are my judgments of being a traitor, and they’re replaced with a thirst for Luca’s touch.

His tongue swirls my clit before he goes deep inside me, and his thumb puts pressure on my sensitive nub. I can’t help but rock into him, needing the sensations he is bringing me. My legs shake while my body climbs toward climaxing. Just when I think I need more, his mouth latches on to my clit, sucking on it harshly as his fingers fill me. The two sensations rocket me over the edge as I fuck his mouth, and I scream out, “Oh my God!”