Page 15 of Loss Aversion

He didn’t want to obstruct their efforts.

Or put Birdie in the way of any more harm.

He finished the soup, gave Bernadette a thank-you kiss on the cheek, and then attempted to pass through the living room to check on Mia before getting stopped by a gruff voice.

“No goanae walk by, ya demmed eedjit.”

Angus was sitting in the recliner by the front window of the living room, with a reading lamp hovering above him. The lighting gave him an ethereal glow.

Lucas had promised Grant to not say a word to Angus about what was going on. He had no problem with that. What he did have a problem with was not drilling him with his own questions. Angus knew far more than anyone gave him credit for, with the exception of Birdie.

But Birdie wasn’t here.

And he was damn-well sure she wasn’t safe.

He sat on the edge of the large ottoman, with his body turned to the side, hoping his profile, along with the shadows of the room, were enough to distract the large man from the fear and concern written all over his face.

“Me meds are wearin’ off, and all I can get outta the evil woman in the kitchen is Birdie told Mia the truth aboot her mam and left town.”

Lucas leaned his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands. “That’s about all there is to know.”

“You’re fulla shite, ye ken.”

“Haveyoutried calling her?”

“Aye, she doesnae answer.”

Lucas already knew that.

“But ye already know that be the case.”

He nodded, refusing to lie but unwilling to share.

He had promised Grant.

“Angus,” he said, looking up, his hands hanging between his knees. “I wish I knew what was going on as much as you do.”

“What’s stoppin’ ye from finding oot?” he asked, with what sounded like a throat full of boulders. “Two broke legs? Unable to go to the cludgie and wipe yon ass without the help of a bonnie lass the size of a pound of rice?”

Lucas rubbed his eyes and then breathed into his knuckles.

Angus continued, “Why have ye no goanae seen her yerself? Asked her?”

Why hadn’t he?

That was a good question.

He had promised Grant not to share intel, but he didn’t promise not to go to her. Check on her.

But how? Scale a wall on a property likely covered with security guards and their dogs?

Fuck yeah.

Okay, maybe not.

Or maybe, he could get in another way? He doubted his military crawl was up to snuff.

“Why haven’t I?” he asked, the question rhetorical, but worth answering.