Page 103 of Loss Aversion

“They don’t have to do that. Happy to be able to help out.”

Mia knew Mary-Lou was full of guilt from how she and Maisie treated her mom, and she had no other choice but to ride the coattails of that guilt for a free ride. Desperate times and all that.

Cringing at the thought of how angry her mom and dad would be, she pushed the negative thoughts away, knowing deep in her heart she was doing the right thing. Just like she had known when she first set off for Wayward.

And that had worked out. Hadn’t it?

She touched her heart pendant, promising her dad in Heaven she’d pray for forgiveness. Later.

As Mary-Lou took a left turn, Mia noticed her escort’s phone that was once sharing directions was now showing an incoming call.

Grant Mason.

Thank God she had the forethought to put the phone on silent mode when Mary-Lou was filling the gas tank.

As Mary-Lou made a right turn, Mia pressedEnd.

She knew why Grant was calling. To tell Mary-Lou the truth. That she was transporting a minor over state lines without the permission of the people in charge of her.

Staring out of the passenger window, watching the fence rows go by, she realized the list of those things she had to ask forgiveness for was growing.
