Page 2 of Their Ballerina

“I’m not fucking you.” I grit my teeth, trying to hide the fear that is starting to bubble up from being alone in this room with him.

“You’ll do whatever the fuck I tell you to do. Now stop talking and get on your knees, so I can fuck your mouth.”

I’m so disgusted and angry with him. I can’t believe I ever thought he was a nice guy or that he was offering me time here out of the kindness of his heart. I should’ve known there was a hidden agenda.

Afraid that he may force himself on me, I bite back my anger and do my best not to aggravate him. All that matters is that I get out of this room and never find myself alone with him again.

“I’ll find a way to pay you something, but I’m not… I’m not going to use my body.”

He tips his head back and laughs into the quiet room. When he looks at me again, I shrink back, wanting to make myself as small as possible.

“I’m no longer accepting money as a form of payment. You owe me, and the price tag is your pussy.”

Fear snakes up my spine and wraps around my throat, making it hard for me to breathe. I can’t say anything, can’t even react, really. Matthew grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me forward. Then he presses down on my shoulders, and I whimper at the pain as I break and descend to my knees. How had this night gone from great to this in a second?

“See, not so hard now, is it?” Matthew sneers as he looks down at me like I’m a peasant. He undoes his pants and shoves them down his legs.

I’m not doing this. I’m not going to be a victim because of this asshole. I push the fear I’m feeling aside and know what I have to do. With a shaking hand, I reach out like I’m going to grab his cock. Matthew’s eyes grow wide, and he smiles like I imagine a serial killer would as he kills his next victim.

Instead of stroking his cock like I know he expects, I grab him by the balls and squeeze as hard as I can.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” he screams, like a little girl, and staggers backward, holding onto his junk. In that time, I shove off the floor, my feet slipping over the wood as I rush toward the door like a newborn fawn. “You’ll pay for this, Payton.”

All I can hear is my thundering heartbeat in my ears, intensified by his threat. My fingers shake as I unlock the door and all but rip it off the hinges to escape. My sneakers squeak as I run, and my legs shake while tears leak from my eyes, leaving cold streaks down my warm cheeks.

Stupid.I can’t believe how stupid I was to think that he was being kind to me, or that any man would be kind to me for that matter.

In my haste to escape, I don’t realize the lobby of the studio is now busy with people, and as I rush through the masses, wanting to put as much distance between Matthew and me, I crash face-first into a wall.

A warm, delicious smelling wall.