“I didn’t know you were a professor… I know this would have never happened.”

She is quite right about that. If her being a student here came up in conversation, the sex would have not happened, but that makes me think about being inside of her and I adjust my tie. “So, you enjoyed yourself, but now that we have discovered this, you wish it didn’t happen?”

Please don’t say you regret it.I don’t, but this does mean we have to be very careful.

“No, but I can’t sleep with my professor.”

“And I can’t sleep with a student.”

The double doors at the back open up and students start to come in. This conversation will have to finish another time.

“Listen, we will talk about this later, Ms. Haddon.”

The frown hurts, but I have to remain professional at this university. Tenure is important if I ever want to retire, and no one can overhear our conversations.

As she takes off up the stairs, my eyes stare at her perfect ass in the painted on jeans. How am I going to watch her walk away every day?



The rest of the day didn’t go according to plan. After Noah ended class early, I went over to the campus coffee shop and gave myself a minute to process this whole catastrophe. Of course, the first guy that piques my interest in years is my fucking professor. The universe has a funny way of screwing me over, and this is just the beginning. Now, I have to sit through the whole semester, staring at him. Knowing that nothing can ever happen between us.

My next three classes only go over the syllabus and dismiss early, so I’m home by three. That’s the best thing about the first week of classes, usually they are cut short, and it gives everyone time to ease back into the swing of things from having a break.

I walk in the door, take off my shoes, and sit on the couch with my backpack. The notebook with all my assignments so far this week are written down nicely according to the class and due date. This is not the semester to get behind or slack off. My focus should be on graduating and finally getting to do what I want.

My phone vibrates against the table.

Noah: So, our date is cancelled, but I can make dinner at my house. We need to talk.

My head hits the back of the couch.Why did he have to be my professor?I swear my luck with guys is horrible, and after last night, today was supposed to be a good day. Running into him in that classroom, fucked the whole day up.

Noah is supposed to be the guy I’ve been looking for, and instead, he is someone I can’t have a relationship with without consequences. Life has a funny way of playing tricks on us. The forbidden men are always the ones we want the most, and Noah is someone who I can have an intellectual conversation with without him looking down on me for being a woman. That, in of itself, is a turn on.

Should I even respond? I mean, going over to his house is not a good idea, especially since I still want him inside me again. What if we end up having sex again? Sure, there is a thing called self-control, but Noah has sparked something inside me that wants to rebel. I don’t want to be the girl that costs him his career. After mulling it over, going over there and talking this out like adults is going to be better than just avoiding him. He is my professor and no matter what I still have to see him two to three times a week. If I don’t go, it might make things more awkward, and that’s the last thing I want.

Me: I’ll be over in twenty.

Why did I have to go to that bar yesterday? I should have just stayed at home and drank by myself. Noah would have never approached me, and this situation wouldn’t exist. Yet, here I am, gawking over my fucking English professor. Pathetic. He probably gets students that crush on him all the time. It’s not like he’s a bad-looking man, especially when you get to know him. His intelligence just makes him even fucking hotter to me.

Good thing it’s my night off, because this has been an exhausting day and after going to see him, I’m sure it’s only going to get worse. What is he going to say? I can imagine it’s that he can’t continue this, or pursue it in anyway, and that we need to stay away from each other. What if he tries to get me to take a different class? I am not waiting another semester to take this damn class just because of Noah. It’s not happening. If he just trying to let me down easy?

If it’s just a talk and dinner, I’m not going to change. My jeans and t-shirt will suffice. I grab my keys and head to his house. What’s the worst thing he can say? We can’t see each other? Honestly, I don’t see how he would want to after today.

When my car comes to a stop in his driveway and I cut the engine, the urge to reverse and just go hits me. Maybe it’s better if this conversation is done over the phone, instead of in person. If Noah hadn’t been my professor, I would be going out on a proper date.

The front door opens, and he waves me inside.

“I’m coming!” I yell, opening the car door and shutting it behind me.

He waits for me at the door. “You nervous about seeing me? I saw you pull up?”

I don’t want to admit that I’m concerned of the outcome of this visit. It’s easy to get sucked into attraction, and now that it’s against the rules for us to be together, it makes it even more appealing. So fucking weird.

He shuts the door behind both of us, and I take a seat on the couch where we had sex last night. This probably isn’t the best place for us to chat. Noah strides over, and takes a seat farthest away from me.

“Dinner is in the oven, but we have things to discuss.” He rubs his hands together, and doesn’t make eye contact with me. “As much as I would love to continue seeing you, it’s unethical.”