The rest of my classes don’t go as well as Noah’s. His eyes didn’t leave my body for the duration of class, and I don’t think anyone noticed. Let’s just say that after seeing his eyes nearly jump out of his head when his eyes landed on me without any underwear, tonight is going to be good. Sure, we have to get through our classes first, but now it’s three o’clock.

Noah: Meet me at my house. Leaving campus now.

The situation in class left us both hot and bothered, and I can’t wait for his hands to be on me. Something about him brings out this side of me I’ve never seen before. Hell, I would stay in bed all day with him if adulting wasn’t required.

Me: I’m already standing at your door. Hurry up.

The heat is intolerable, so I go back to my car and turn on the AC, until he pulls up.

“Come on,” he says, jumping out of his car with his laptop bag, and heading straight for the door.

I follow after him, and he ushers me inside, drops his laptop bag, and starts undoing his shirt.

“You have no fucking idea how much I want you right now. No underwear in class. Making me stare at your wet pussy and not being able to touch it. Evil. Pure fucking evil.”

He picks me up, and slams me against the wall, his lips on my neck, and hand up my dress.

“Still no underwear, just the way I want you.”

He moves us to the bedroom, and he lays me down, and before I even get my bearing, he’s in between my legs, making my back arch. For the love of god!

The tension has been high all day, and I’m just as fucking turned on as he is, and within a few minutes, I’m gripping his sheets and screaming for my life.

“Now be a good girl and never do that to me again,” he says, wiping his mouth.

Obviously, he doesn’t understand how much fun it was to watch him squirm in front of all those other people, and not one of them noticed. What an exhilarating feeling.

“Yeah, I'll be sure not to.”

I sit on the bed, and he walks over to his phone. “You can’t stay long, but I’m glad I could take care of you before you go.”

Noah is one of the few men that doesn’t throw a two-year-old fit when it’s not all about them. Sometimes, it’s nice to just get a release real quick and go to work. Not every encounter has to be penetration. I’m lucky to have found Noah when I did.

“So, I’ve got some good news before I go.”

He turns around and grips his chin. “And what is that?”

I don’t have many people I can share this with because most of them are against me leaving the Fire Department. “Today has been one for the books. A client reached out to me and we have signed a contract for six manuscripts over the next six months. This means, with her plus my regular clients, I can go freelancing full-time.”

My calendar is already booked up with my regulars at two manuscripts a month, and I would be a fool to turn down this contract. It locks me in to get paid $1200 a month for the next six months. So, I’ll be bringing in four grand a month from my freelance contracts. This has come out of nowhere, but I’m not going to bite a gift horse in the mouth. This is the contract I have been waiting for and it’s impossible for me to continue working full time, finish my degree, and do this on the side. It has to have my full attention.

He picks me up and twirls me around. “That’s amazing! So, you know what that means.”

I tap my chin. “More nights with you.”

Relationships usually either work or don’t, and with Noah, my schedule was bound to make things tough for us, but now once I’m officially self-employed, we don’t have to worry about it. It gives us the freedom to find out what’s between us without any hiccups. Well, besides being one of his students. I don’t see that ever becoming a problem though. We are careful.

“Seriously, though I have to go. I’ll talk to my dad about putting in my notice tonight. He’s going to freak. Might end in tears,” I say, giving him a quick kiss and leaving.

My father is one that thinks that being a firefighter is in my blood, and it’s an honor to serve the community. I don’t disagree, but when my dream is becoming a reality, I can’t just push it away. No, it’s time for me to plow head on and enjoy it. He might think I’m out of my mind, but it’s my decision.

My car comes to abrupt stop, and I jump out of the car, and unlock my door. I want to get to the depot early and catch my dad before he leaves. I don’t want to waste another day away. My notice needs to be put in tonight. So, I change real quick, grab my go bag, and get back into my car, heading straight to the depot.

The gravel crunches underneath my tires, and his truck is still in the parking lot. Yes. Here goes nothing.

Tristan walks out, and waves at me before getting into his car. He rolls his window down.

“What are you doing here already?” he asks.