I walk her back to the bedroom to grab her things, and then move to the front door. “It was nice having you stay over. So, do you have any plans tomorrow?”

“Just catching up on sleep and working.”

I give her a kiss, and watch as she walks to her and starts it. She waves to me before she backs out of the driveway.

Janet needs to hear about this. She will be so proud to know I finally finished it. Yes, it’s weird that I talk about my wife like that, and that I still go and see her, but I can do what I want. I usually go and visit her once a month, take fresh flowers, and check on her gravesite.

I grab my keys, and go visit her.

When I get to the site, my emotions get the best of me. It is weird being here, in a way that it reminds me that I’ll never see her again. Death sucks. When I find her headstone, I kneel.

“It’s been a while. Today, I typed the end in the manuscript and even from her you have been pushing me to finish it. It’s been hard, and my progress has been slow-going since you’ve been gone, but it’s now complete. And I’ll continue to work on it. Thank you for always believing in me.”

I go from a kneeling position to sitting in the grass. “Your wish has come true. I stopped pushing everyone away, and fate brought me a lovely woman. She makes me smile, and keeps me on my toes. You’d love her.”

I wipe my eyes. “She reminds me a lot of you, baby. She is beautiful, intelligent, and has spunk about her. I’m trying to do what you said, be happy, but sometimes it’s harder than others. I love you.”



The depot is quiet, as it normally is at seven o’clock. Most of us never get enough sleep, but that comes with the territory of working this shift. Everyone else is up when we are asleep, so we have to make up for lost time on our off days.

“Girl, we’ve got a lot to talk about,” Angela says, bombarding me in the locker room.

“Can I put my stuff up and get some coffee first?” I ask, putting my bag with my clothes in it, and then walking passed her to the rec room.

She leans up against the wall by the coffee maker and just starts laying it on me. Apparently, the guy she went home with from the bar has become a regular. Angela has been with him every night since. When she starts talking about their sex life, I raise my hand.

“I don’t need to know about all that, sis.”

She waves me off, and continues on as I put some creamer into my coffee and sit down at the table with my laptop bag.

“How was your night? I haven’t talked to you.”

She has no idea about Noah since she left before me, and I don’t think Noah will be comfortable with me telling anyone about us. She is my sister, but she might say something to the wrong person, and the consequences if anyone finds out are too risky. So, I just lie and say I had a few drinks and then went home.

“I just slept most of the time if I wasn’t in class.”

Sneaking around with Noah is going to get old, but it’s only for five months. The reason we are doing this is valid and not stupid like not wanting his wife to find out. Angela has done that before.

“I totally forget about my date.”

“What date? I thought you just slept.”

I laugh. “So this guy from class asked me out. He was cute, and around my age so I said yes.”


“Another man that thinks that women can’t do the same jobs as a man. He was almost appalled by the fact that I was a firefighter. Walked out on him,” I say, laying my laptop on the table and opening it up.

“What is wrong with people? This isn’t the fifties anymore. Whatever.”

I turn on my wireless mouse and open up the manuscript I’m supposed to be working on for a client.

“Hey ladies. I know we just got here, but I’m wiped. The baby doesn’t ever want to sleep. I’ll be taking a nap if you need me,” Damon says, walking through the rec room.

Poor guy is having a hard time. Black circles are under his eyes. I don’t know much about babies, and never really had an itch to be a mother. I don’t dislike kids, just can't picture myself being a mom.