After all the student loans, and getting those paid off, tenure is what is going to take care of my retirement. I didn’t go through all of this to have it ripped away from me. I need to be careful. Sure, Leslie seems like a wonderful woman, but I need to make sure she doesn’t take away everything I’ve worked so damn hard for in the last two decades.

“Then I say what the hell, go for it. Trust your gut.”

The crackling of the fireplace helps me zone out. Should I say fuck it and just keep seeing her? Everything inside me is saying not to take the chance. What if it doesn’t work out and she causes a scene at the campus? Or someone sees us out somewhere and decides to tell the University? I’m not so young anymore, and sneaking around doesn’t seem up my alley.

My only hesitation is can we wait until the end of the semester? Will she even want me after that long? A woman like her can have any man she wants, and the likelihood of her still being available in five months is unlikely.

There isn’t anything wrong with pleasuring myself to her every night. And every time I do, I’ll wish they were her soft hands around me…



It’s the second day of class, and honestly after yesterday, I have no excitement to go back. Maybe it’s because Noah and I can’t see each other anymore, but that’s reality. I just need to get a grip and get through this semester.Focus on the degree, girl.

I throw on a pair of black shorts and a plain white t-shirt.Simple, but cute. You can never go wrong with Converse. I check my phone to see if my sister has text me back, but no notifications.Seriously?On our days off, we usually don’t talk, but only because we are usually trying to catch up on everything we have neglected during our shifts or catching up on sleep.

I grab my backpack, sling it over my shoulder, and take off toward campus. The quad is full with kids running around, some yelling, and another guy playing his guitar. Is it cool to hang out in the grass now or something? See me, I would be worried about getting bitten by fire ants or something else. Who knows what the hell is in there? Why are these kids laying down in the grass and making out for? They’ll regret it later.

The pounding of my feet against the concrete fills my ears, until I block everything else out. This meeting with Noah better go okay. I don’t want him to second guess his decision to let me remain his teaching assistant. If he did ask for a transfer, they might not be able to find me someone else, and my whole semester would implode. So, I must be on my best behavior. No matter what. This is too important to me to fuck it up. If I don’t graduate, then my credibility as a freelance editor and writer wouldn’t hold the same weight. Clients want a degree. It proves that the career has been cemented and the freelancer has the background to handle the work. Firefighting needs to come to an end, and I need something else in my life. Being up all night, I feel like a fucking vampire. Sunlight hurts my eyes because I’m just not used to it anymore.

The English building seems to be the busiest no matter what time of day it is. They have a small library on the first floor surrounding offices, and there are always people going in and out. I continue to walk the first floor until I seeMillson one of the doors. My chest rises and falls before knocking.

“Come in!” he yells.

The door squeaks as I enter, and he is scribbling away on some paper. He doesn’t even look up, but when I go to shut the door, he suddenly talks.

“No, the door stays open when I’m with a female student, Ms. Haddon.”

My eyebrows heighten, and I push it back open and take a seat in front of his messy desk. Is he worried someone is going to question his door being closed? He can’t possibly be worried about me? I would never be that girl. The one that uses her sexuality to get what she wants. I like to earn my way. I oblige his request and open the door all the way back up.

“So, I’m here. What do you need?”

His desk is beyond cluttered, and honestly, it doesn’t seem like the Noah I know at all. I always took him as the highly organized type like his house. Of course, I’m not a professor, but I’m sure there is a lot involved that us as students don’t realize. Maybe this is why professors get assistants because they have no clue how to stay organized or don’t have the time. There are papers everywhere with no rhyme or reason, plus his laptop and a wireless printer. I don’t know how he finds anything on this desk.

“So, I’ve got some things for you to take care of, Ms. Haddon.”

Why is he calling me that? I’m not my fucking mother. “Leslie is fine.”

Noah is typing away on his computer, and has barely even glanced at me while I’ve been in his office. Is this really how he is going to be? He wouldn’t be this way with another student. I get that we slept together, but he needs to grow the fuck up. This is business, and he needs to stop acting so cold toward me. This is not how this entire semester is going to go.

“Are you aware of what an assistant does?”

I nod, and roll my eyes. “Let’s get a move on. I’m not an idiot.”

“I’ll provide you with worksheets before each class that you will put on the desks before it starts. If I need help putting together presentations, then I will ask for your help, otherwise, this is basically the jist of it.”

He acts like I didn’t get the same damn email he did. It explained the job duties. Why is he being so cold and distant? He closes his laptop.

“You will be expected to attend every class, take good notes, help with creating or delivering learning materials and even sometimes help with assignments, quizzes or exams.”

I clear my throat. “Mr. Mills, wouldn’t that make it easier for me to get a better grade, if I know what’s going to be on a quiz or exam beforehand?”

He looks up, and shakes his head. “As a teacher’s assistant, you should be on top of things. So, inadvertently, you would know what is going to be on each test anyway. Do you plan on using this position unethically?”

His eyes are still fixed on the opposite side of the room while he’s talking to me, and I’m sick of being nice.

“Are you not even going to look at me now? Stop acting like a five-year-old. I won’t be treated like this for the rest of the semester.”