“You don’t have to hide your body from me. It’s perfect.”

She blushes and sits down next to me. “You have to say that. We just had sex.”

“Actually, if I was a typical guy, I already got what I wanted, so I wouldn’t have to lie at this point.”

Leslie doesn’t know me very well, but I’m not like the men her age. She can’t be but maybe thirty, and from the looks of her demeanor when she first saw me staring at her, she thought I was going to try to pick her up. Everything that has happened tonight is not typical for me, but I’m liking this newfound confidence in myself.

She picks up her phone while leaning into my side, and then hurries off the couch. “Shit, I gotta go. It’s already three.”

Leslie takes off her shirt, putting her bra back on, and then the rest of her clothes.

“Can I have your number at least? Or did you get what you came for?”

She smiles, hands me her phone, and then gives me a kiss. “I got more than what I came for, Noah.”

I plug my number in and stand up to give her a proper goodbye kiss before she walks out of my house.

That girl is going to be trouble, but I can’t wait to see her again.



When my alarm blares at seven in the morning, I fly out of bed. Did I even sleep? I didn’t get back to my house until almost four in the morning and don’t think I dozed off until almost five. How the hell am I supposed to ‌ concentrate today? I get my ass out of bed, run to the closet and throw on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and some Converse. The only thing I’m worried about is being comfortable. The desks two years ago were stiff and made my back ache. Hopefully, they have made some changes.

I grab my heavy ass backpack and take off out my front door. The campus is only two blocks from my house, so I just sprint, knowing that finding a parking spot is going to make me late to class.

Noah showed me a good time last night, so I don’t want to complain, but never again on a school night. I need to be more careful next time. It’s not exactly a great impression to be late on the first day, and I don’t need any of my professors having something against me right out the gate. These four classes are the end game for me, and after I pass them, I’ll finally have my degree. Sure, I can do freelance work without it, but having a degree helps with attracting new clients. This is for my benefit.

My feet hit the pavement one after another all the way until I step onto the campus quad. There’s a grassy lawn crisscrossed by sidewalks with benches spaced along the pathways. It’s been about a year and a half since I was here, and it looks like it has been renovated and redecorated. There’s a tall building around the perimeter with libraries, lecture halls, dining halls, and probably some of the administrative offices. My favorite part is the bell tower in the middle of the quad. I lean over with my hands on my knees, trying to catch my breath. The warmth of the sun is peeking out from behind the clouds causing a bead of sweat to trickle down my nose. The heavy backpack strap is pulling on my shoulder, probably leaving an indention. I’ll be glad when I don’t have to do this anymore.

The central courtyard has decorative pavers and a fountain. I look around, seeing all these barely adult kids, and this is their first day. Fall semester always brings the freshly graduated kids, and they all look so comfortable. Maybe I should have attended the sneak peek where someone walks and shows you where all your classes are. It would have come in handy this morning.

There are navigational signs to help the new students figure out where they’re going, but all I see are students lounging on the lawn, someone handing out flyers. She tries to hand one to me, but I brush it off because I only have seven minutes until my first class starts and don’t have a clue what building I’m going to. I walk over to the middle of the courtyard where there are signs that show you where all the buildings are, and find the English hall on the map. I run towards it out of breath and hoping that I’m not late, but it never fails. There is a crowd trying to get into the building and up the stairs. I try to inch through, but they are pushing and shoving me. Assholes.

This is my first day back in over a year and a half and I’m feeling the pressure. The kids are looking at me because I’m clearly older than everyone here and it’s making me feel out of place. Hell, I’m old enough to be their professor. I head up the stairs to room 106. I stop outside the door, taking a moment to try to collect myself. My chest rises and falls, and I try to slow my breathing. Apparently, I need to go on runs again because I should not be this out of shape.Okay, come on. Get in there.

I open the door and can hear the professor’s introduction, but I take a few seconds before walking inside. It’s still pretty quiet and my breathing is still too loud. They don’t want to hear me struggling for air.

“Welcome to American Literature. Most of you have put this class off until your last semester, but this isn’t going to be a breeze.”

The door squeaks as I push it farther open, and everyone turns and stares at me. As I turn to find a seat, I trip on the entryway rug and fall on my face. The sheer embarrassment is enough, but then he pauses his introduction, runs up the steps, and offers me a hand.

“Maybe you should be more careful. And on time.”

My eyes travel up his body, and our eyes meet. It’s Noah.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. How is this possible? I didn’t know he was a professor. I thought he was a writer? Or a business guy working on his laptop last night. He didn’t think to mention his profession to me? I guess I can’t be mad because I don’t think school ever came up.

I lean over before standing up and get close to his ear. “What the hell, Noah? Really?”

We both stand, and he clears his throat before looking away from me. Neither of us could’ve expected this.

Noah continues his speech. “You might try to get by my class, but if you wanna pass and graduate then put forth the effort.”

The whole room goes silent as Noah makes his way back down to the front of the lecture hall and my dumbass is still standing in the same spot. This is completely throwing me off. How am I supposed to stay in this class now? There isn’t another professor teaching it this semester, and I don’t want to have to wait another semester to graduate? What the hell am I supposed to do?

“How about you go find your seat so I can go over the syllabus and begin class?”