“I like the sound of that,” I reply.

It’s been hard to keep my eyes off of him tonight. The way his biceps are begging to be free from the long sleeve dress t-shirt or the way his pecks are practically bursting out. Am I ever going to get enough of Brodie? He’s like a drug, begging for just one more taste, one more hit, and then I’ll be okay for a while.

He hands the black book back to her with his credit card inside, and his legs bounces underneath the table as he licks his lips. Is he thinking about me? All I want is to have him wrap his big fucking arms around me, pick me up by my ass, and slam me into a wall. He knows how to read my body and give me just what I need, without me having to beg. Sometimes, I think he enjoys it when I beg, but who wouldn’t? My skin tingles knowing what’s coming, and gets worse with every passing second of sitting here.

“Here you go, sir. Have a great night,” the waitress says, sitting the book on top of the table. He whips out the pen, puts a tip, and signs and then nudges his head toward the exit. “It’s time for dessert. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

He playfully chases me through the restaurant, using his fingertips to tickle my ass every time he gets close enough to me, and then I dart ahead a little until we are outside again.

The aroma of fresh daisies hits me as soon as I take that first deep breath, and I stop dead in my tracks. I close my eyes to take in the smell, and a smile takes over.

“What is it?” he asks, taking my head.

I open my eyes. “Daisies are my favorite and Sherrie’s, too. When my mom invited us down a couple summers ago, she spent three hours outside in my mama’s garden picking them.”

He scoops me up into his arms. “It’s time to get a move on, unless you want me to take you right here in front of the restaurant.” My head shakes, and he walks me over to his truck and puts me into the passenger seat.

Something Lee never gave me. The time of day. Now, that’s something I never have to worry about with Brodie. He has never once cut me off, ignored me, or talked down to me. Hell, most of the time, he asks why I don’t talk about myself? It’s a habit I need to break, and he’s the one that will push me along to do that. There are so many things that I didn’t even notice I needed until Brodie walked into my life.

The entire ride home his right hand is on my thigh with my hand on top of it. He talks about work today, and then the subject of his mother comes up.

“Do you not want me to meet her?” I ask, a little offended. “Do you think she won’t like me?”

Maybe I’m in my feels a bit, and sure we haven’t been together very long, but the only thing I know about his mother is that she kicked out his father and made it hard for them to see each other after that. Do I think I’ll like her? Not likely, but I’m his girlfriend and putting on a fake smile with her is my duty if he wants me to.

“No offense, but she would eat you alive. She is very overprotective, or so she wants everyone to think. Here’s the thing; I had no idea she was coming, and was at my door when I got home today from the game.”

Does he not think I can handle myself? I’m not over here jumping for joy to meet the woman that made his childhood hell, but maybe he needs someone by his side while she’s here. My mother isn’t much different, and for once he has someone who completely understands what he would be going through every step of the way.

“I’m just saying, if you want me to meet her, I will. You don’t have to shield me from her. I’m a grown ass woman who can handle herself, remember?”

His eyebrows almost lift off his face as he peers over at me, instead of keeping his eyes on the road.

“Wow, miss attitude is back. Where’s she been? Keep it up and I’ll have you over my knee when we get inside,” he says, pulling into his driveway.

He turns the engine off, gets out of the truck, and comes around to help me out. As soon as my feet touch the ground, he pulls me in, and plants a mouthwatering kiss on my lips. He’s getting right to it. Not that I mind. AT ALL.

“Let’s get inside first. You got neighbors, remember?” I say, pulling away from him and edging toward the front door. “You plan on joining me, or do I need to take care of myself?”

I sway my ass walking to the front door and step to the side so he can unlock it. It’s like someone else comes out and takes over my body when I’m around him and thinks get heated. I want to talk dirty, explore, and sometimes take complete control. He brings this whole other side of me out and it’s been an adventure.

He turns around to shut the door behind himself, and I grab his hand, moving to graze up my thigh and then he is reminded that I’m not wearing any panties. I am staring into his eyes, and at that moment when he can feel me, how excited I am, and his face goes dark, almost makes me burst.

“Where would you like me tonight?” I ask, his fingers still lightly moving around downstairs. “You still look a little hungry?”

He laughs, gets on his knees, and props my right foot on his shoulder. “Don’t fucking move a muscle.”

My head shoots back as soon as his tongue hits me, and I try my best not to move. I run my fingers through his hair, and tug on it. Yes, yes! I have never been able to get myself to the edge this quickly, but Brodie is a pro. Within a couple minutes, he has my thighs spasming, and moaning his name while he takes me over the edge into a fucking bliss. He doesn’t stop there.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he says, picking me up and carrying me to his bedroom. He lays me on his bed slowly, and makes it a point to strip slowly, locked on me, and I drink in every single second.

Brodie stands butt naked in front of me, and I’m in awe. How the hell am I so lucky to be with him? I want to run my fingers down his chest, and put him in my mouth to show him my appreciation for everything he does for me. I haven’t felt like alive in over a decade, and he has this way of bringing out a new side of me, or maybe it was just lying dormant under the surface from lack of intimacy.

Brodie starts to crawl up the bed toward me, and I giggle as he gets closer, but instead of getting on top of me, he pulls me into his chest. His fingers go through my hair, and his breathing slows down.

“Let’s just stay like this. Even though I want you so fucking bad, we haven’t enjoyed a night without sex yet. You know I want more than just pleasure from you, right?”

I lift my head up, and turn toward him so I can see his eyes. “Of course, but I’m not sure after that if I can stop thinking about you slamming into me all night. You give me a strip show and then tell me we aren’t having sex? What a tease.”